2008-2010: HIPST - History and Philosophy in Science Teaching (EU)
Wissenschaftsgeschichte und -philosophie werden in der Fachdidaktik vor allem international als Möglichkeiten diskutiert, das Wissenschaftsverständnis von Lernenden zu fördern. Das EU-Projekt HIPST ist von Dietmar Höttecke von 2008-2010 wissenschaftlich geleitet worden. Im Rahmen von HIPST haben Wissenschaftler/innen aus 8 verschiedenen Ländern in enger Kooperation mit Praktikern/innen aus Schule und Museum Beiträge zur Implementation von Wissenschaftsgeschichte und -philosophie in den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht geleistet.
Zugehörige Publikationen und Materialien:
Ahrens, E.; Engels, W.; Henke, A., Höttecke, D., Launus, A.,; Materia, S.; Riess, F.; Steiner, R.; Tuschoff, K.; Wendel, N. (2010). Szenischer Dialog zwischene Aristoteles und Galilei: Über den freien Fall und die Rolle der Mathematik in der Naturwissenschaft (Scenic dialogue between Aristotle and Galilei: About free fall and the role of mathematics in science). defacto gmbh, http://www.youtube.com/user/HIPSTTUBE (12.11.2010).
Ahrens, E.; Engels, W.; Henke, A., Höttecke, D., Launus, A.,; Materia, S.; Riess, F.; Steiner, R.; Tuschoff, K.; Wendel, N. (2010). Szenischer Dialog zwischene Aristoteles und Galilei über Idealisierung und Trägheit (Scenic dialogue between Aristotle and Galilei about idealization and inertia). defacto gmbh, http://www.youtube.com/user/HIPSTTUBE (12.11.2010).
Ahrens, E.; Engels, W.; Henke, A., Höttecke, D., Launus, A.,; Materia, S.; Riess, F.; Steiner, R.; Tuschoff, K.; Wendel, N. (2010). Szenischer Dialog zwischene Aristoteles und Galilei: Gedankenexperiment freier Fall (Scenic dialogue between Aristotle and Galilei: thought experiment free fall). defacto gmbh, http://www.youtube.com/user/HIPSTTUBE (12.11.2010).
Engels, W., Rieß, F., Höttecke, D., Henke, A., Steiner, E., Launus, A. Dettmers, A., Steiner, R. & Reebosound (2011). Fiktiver Dialog zwischen Aristoteles und Galilei zu Fragen der Astronomie und des wahren Weltsystems. , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZOdeFYooyU (09.12.2011).
Engels, W.; Henke, A., Höttecke, D., Riess, F.; & Steiner, R. (2010). Elektrische und magnetische Anziehung unter der Lupe: Wiliam Gilbert (Separating electrical and magnetic attraction under the magnifying glass of experiment: William Gilbert). defacto gmbh, http://www.youtube.com/user/HIPSTTUBE (12.11.2010).
Engels, W.; Henke, A., Höttecke, D., Riess, F.; & Steiner, R. (2010). Elektrische Leitung auf dem Holzweg: Stephen Gray (Electric conduction on the wrong track: Stephen Gray). defacto gmbh, http://www.youtube.com/user/HIPSTTUBE (12.11.2010).
Engels, W.; Henke, A., Höttecke, D., Riess, F.; & Steiner, R. (2010). Was ist Bewegung? Das Beispiel des Fallgesetzes (Moving bodies: the law of free fall). defacto gmbh, http://www.youtube.com/user/HIPSTTUBE (12.11.2010).
Engels, W.; Henke, A., Höttecke, D., Riess, F.; & Steiner, R. (2010). Elektrische Abstoßung und wissenschaftliche Instrumente: Otto von Guericke und die Schwefelkugel (Electric repulsion and scientific instruments: Otto von Guericke and the sulphur ball). defacto gmbh, http://www.youtube.com/user/HIPSTTUBE (12.11.2010).
Engels, W.; Henke, A., Höttecke, D., Riess, F.; & Steiner, R. (2010). Szenischer Dialog zwischene Aristoteles und Galilei: Die Lehre des Aristoteles (Scenic dialogue between Aristotle and Galilei: Aristotle's ideas). defacto gmbh, http://www.youtube.com/user/HIPSTTUBE (12.11.2010).
Heise, F. & Höttecke, D. unter Mitwirkung von A. Henke und F. Rieß) (2012). Von der Dampfmaschine zum Kreisprozess. Wirkungsgrade in technisch-wissenschaftlichen und ökonomischen Kontexten [From steam engines to thernodynamic cycles. Efficiency in technoscientific and economic contexts]. Unterricht Physik, 23(132), 35-38.
Henke, A. (2016). Lernen über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften – Forschender und historisch orientierter Physikunterricht im Vergleich. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften.
Henke, A. & Höttecke (2011). Elektrizität und ein Weltmodell. Mit Otto von Guericke über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften lernen (Electricity and a modell of the world. Learning about the nature of science with Otto von Guericke). Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht - Physik, 22 (Heft 126), 16-19.
Henke, A. & Höttecke, D. (accepted). Perspectives on the Diachronic Nature of Science: Middle School Students Drawing "The Way of Science". In Silva, C. C. & Prestes, M. E. B. (Eds.), Seleção de Trabalhos da Primeira Conferência Latino-Americana do International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group. São Paulo: Editora da Livraria da Física.
Henke, A. & Höttecke, D. (2013). Elektrische Leitung auf dem Holzweg. Die Fallstudie "Stephen Gray". Unterricht Physik, 23(133), 17-21.
Henke, A. & Höttecke, D. (2012). Lernen über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften. Forschendes Lernen und historische Fallstudien im Vergleich. In S. Bernholt (Hrsg.), Konzepte fachdidaktischer Strukturierung für den Unterricht (S. 592-594). Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Jahrestagung in Oldenburg 2011. Münster: LIT-Verlag .
Henke, A. & Höttecke, D. unter Mitwirkung von Rieß, F., Heise, F., Nienhausen, M., Mocha, C., Schütt, H., Stephan, T. (2011). Beschreiben und Erklären elektrischer Vorgänge. Die Fallstudie "Charles du Fay" (Describing and explaining electrical phenomena. The case study "Charles du Fay"). Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht - Physik, 22 (Heft 126), 20-24.
Henke, A., & Höttecke, D. (2010). Lernen über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften - Vergleichende Untersuchung der Wirkung expliziter Reflektion in historischen Fallstudien & forschendem Lernen. In D. Höttecke (ed.) (2010), Entwicklung naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens zwischen Phänomen und Systematik. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Jahrestagung in Dresden 2009. Münster: LIT-Verlag..
Henke, A., & Höttecke, D. (2010). Ein Interview mit Berzelius - Eine Aufgabe zur Reflexion über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften (An interview with Berzelius - an activity for reflecting on the nature of science). Unterricht Chemie, Themenheft Natur der Naturwissenschaften, Heft 4+5, S.73-75.
Henke, A., Höttecke, D., & Rieß, F. (2009). Case Studies for Teaching and Learning with History and Philosophy of Science: Exemplary Results of the HIPST project in Germany. Paper presented at the Tenth International History, Philosophy, Sociology & Science Teaching Conference (IHPST), South Bend, USA 2009, June 24 - 88, 2009, http://www.nd.edu/~ihpst09/papersgiven.html (10.06.2011).
Henke, A.; Höttecke, D., & Riess, F. (2010). William Gilbert - Elektrische und Magnetische Anziehung unter der Lupe (William Gilbert – Separating electrical and magnetic attraction under the magnifying glass of experiment - Episode 1 of the series: Historic-Genetic Introduction to Electricity). Case study developed within the European project HIPST (History and Philosophy in Science Teaching), http://hipstwiki.wetpaint.com/page/hipst+developed+cases (12.11.2010).
Henke, A.; Höttecke, D., & Riess, F. (2010). Otto von Guericke und die Schwefelkugel – Elektrische Abstoßung und wissenschafliche Instrumente (Otto Guericke - Forces, Analogies and the Quality of Scientific Instruments - Episode 2 of the series: Historic-Genetic Introduction to Electricity). Case study developed within the European project HIPST (History and Philosophy in Science Teaching), http://hipstwiki.wetpaint.com/page/hipst+developed+cases (12.11.2010).
Henke, A.; Höttecke, D., & Riess, F. (2010). Charles dú Fay - Erklären und Beschreiben von elektrischen Phänomenen (Charles dú Fay - Describing and Explaining Electrical Phenomena -
Episode 3 of the series: Historic-Genetic Introduction to Electricity). Case study developed within the European project HIPST (History and Philosophy in Science Teaching), http://hipstwiki.wetpaint.com/page/hipst+developed+cases (12.11.2010).
Henke, A.; Höttecke, D.; & Riess, F. (2010). Stephen Gray – Elektrische Leitung auf dem Holzweg (Stephen Gray - Electrical Conduction on the wrong track - Episode 4 of the series: Historic-Genetic Introduction to Electricity). Case study developed within the European project HIPST (History and Philosophy in Science Teaching), http://hipstwiki.wetpaint.com/page/hipst+developed+cases (12.11.2010).
Henke, A.; Höttecke, D.; & Riess, F. (2010). Reisende Elektrisierer – Elektrizität, Unterhaltung und die Konstruktion von Wissenschaftlichkeit (Travelling Showmen - Electricity, Entertainment, and the Construction of Scientificality - Episode 5 of the series: Historic-Genetic Introduction to Electricity). Case study developed within the European project HIPST (History and Philosophy in Science Teaching), http://hipstwiki.wetpaint.com/page/hipst+developed+cases (12.11.2010).
Höttecke, D. (2012). HIPST - History and Philosophy in Science Teaching: A European Project. Science & Education, introdution the the HIPST special issue, online first (DOI 10.1007/s11191-011-9435-3) .
Höttecke, D. (2011). The perception of conception. Pantaneto 43, ISSN 1741-1572, (Reprint of an article with same title Public Science Review, 2009), http://www.pantaneto.co.uk/issue43/hottecke.htm (17.08.2011).
Höttecke, D. (2010). Learning Physics with History and Philosophy of Science. On Effective Implementation Strategies for an Old Approach in School Science Teaching in Europe. In GARCIA, N.M.D. A Pesquisa em Ensino de Física e a sala de aula: articulações necessárias. São Paulo: SBF.
Höttecke, D. (2009). The perception of conception. Public Science Review: Science and Technology, 4: 95; Reprint in Pantaneto 43 (2011), retrieved at http://www.pantaneto.co.uk/issue43/hottecke.htm (21.06.11), http://www.publicservice.co.uk/article.asp?publication=Science%20and%20Technology&id=397&content_name=Education%20and%20innovation&article=12653 (07.07.2010).
Höttecke, D. (2009). HIPST - History and Philosophy in Science Teaching. Public Science Review: Science and Technology, 4: 96
Höttecke, D. (2009). An Analysis of Status and Obstacles of Implementation of History and Philosophy of Science in Science Education. In M. F. TAŞAR & G. ÇAKMAKCI (eds.), Contemporary Science Education Research: International Perspectives. A Collection of Papers Presented at ESERA 2009 Conference, pp. 217-226, Ankara Turkey: Pegem Akademi, http://www.esera2009.org/books/Book3_CSER_Intl_Pers.pdf (13.04.2010).
Höttecke, D. (guest editor) (2012). History and Philosophy in Science Teaching - A European Project. Science & Education, special issue, 1229-1232
Höttecke, D. (Hrsg.) (2011). Themenheft "Physik historisch verstehen" (Special issue: Understanding physics with history). Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht - Physik, 22 (Heft 126).
Höttecke, D. (Hrsg.) (2008). Themenheft "Was ist Physik - Über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften unterrichten" (Special issue: What does physics mean? - Teaching about the nature of science). Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht - Physik, 19 (Heft 103).
Höttecke, D. & Barth, M. (2011). Geschichte im Physikunterricht. Argumente, Methoden und Anregungen, um Wissenschaftsgeschichte in den Physikunterricht einzubeziehen (History in physics education. Arguments, methods and suggestions on how to integrate history of science into physics teaching). Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht - Physik, 22 (Heft 126), 4-10.
Höttecke, D. & Henke, A. (2011). Constructing HPS-Based Case Studies for Teaching and Learning Science: Stephen Gray and Electric Conduction on the Wrong Track. Paper presented at the Eleventh International History, Philosophy, Sociology & Science Teaching Conference (IHPST), Thessaloniki, Greece, July 01 - 05, 2011.
Höttecke, D. & Henke, A. (2012). Magnetische und elektrische Anziehungskräfte auf dem Prüfstand - die Fallstudie "William Gilbert" (Magnetic and electric attractions under scrutiny - the case of "William Gilbert"). Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht - Physik, 22(127), 18-23.
Höttecke, D. & Henke, A. (2010). Looking Back into the Future: Lessons from HIPST about Implementing History and Philosophy in Science Teaching. Paper presented at the "History and Philosophy in Science Teaching Conference", University of Kaiserslautern / Germany, March 11-14, 2010, http://www.hipst.uni-hamburg.de/archive/Hoettecke.pdf (04.10.2010).
Höttecke, D. & Silva, C.C. (2011). Why Implementing History and Philosophy in School Science Education is a Challenge - An Analysis of Obstacles. Science & Education 20(3-4), 293-316.
Höttecke, D., & Rieß, F. (2009). Developing and Implementing Case Studies for Teaching Science with the Help of History and Philosophy. Framework and Critical Perspectives on "HIPST" - a European Approach for the Inclusion of History and Philosophy in Science Teaching. Paper presented at the Tenth International History, Philosophy, Sociology & Science Teaching Conference (IHPST), South Bend, USA 2009, June 24 - 88, 2009, http://www.nd.edu/~ihpst09/papersgiven.html (10.06.2011).
Höttecke, D., & Rieß, F. (2008). HIPST – History and Philosophy in Science Teaching. Ein EU-Projekt zur Unterrichtsentwicklung (HIPST - History and Philosophy in Science Teaching. A EU-Project for the Development of Science Education). In V. Nordmeier (Hrsg.), DPG-Fachverband Didaktik (Hrsg.): Didaktik der Physik- Physikertagung 2008, Tagungs-CD.
Höttecke, D., Henke, A. & Rieß, F. unter Mitarbeit von Drüding, U., Heise, F., Launus, A., Mocha, C., Nienhausen, M., Stephan, T. (2011). Was ist Bewegung? Eine historische Fallstudie zum Trägheitskonzept und zum Lernen über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften (What does motion mean? A historical case study about the concept of intertia and about learning about the nature of science). Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht - Physik, 22 (Heft 126), 25-31.
Höttecke, D., Henke, A., & Rieß, F. (2010). Let's do it together! A Collaborative Project of Researchers and Practitioners on Implementing History and Philosophy in Science Teaching. Paper presented at the NARST conference in Philadelphia/USA 20-24 March 2010, conference CD.
Höttecke, D., Henke, A., & Rieß, F. (2010). Implementing History and Philosophy in Science Teaching - Strategies, Methods, Results and Experiences from the European Project HIPST. Science & Education, 21(9), 1233-61.
Höttecke, D., Rieß, F., Henke, A., & Engels, W. (2009). Natur der Naturwissenschaften mit Geschichte und Philosophie lernen (Learning about the Natur of Science with History and Philosophy of Science). In D. Höttecke (Hrsg.), Chemie- und Physikdidaktik für die Lehramtsausbildung. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Jahrestagung in Schwäbisch Gmünd 2008. Münster: LIT-Verlag, 416-418.
Höttecke, D.; Launus, A., Henke, A.; & Riess, F. (2010). Was ist Bewegung? (Moving Bodies: Lessons from Aristole to Galilei about aspects of the nature of science). Case study developed within the European project HIPST (History and Philosophy in Science Teaching), http://hipstwiki.wetpaint.com/page/hipst+developed+cases (12.11.2010).
Rieß, F., & Höttecke, D. (2008). Wissenschaft oder Humbug? Unerklärliches als Gegenstand des Unterrichts über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften (Science or bosh? The unexplanable as a topic for teaching about the nature of science) Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht - Physik, 19 (103), 44-47
Riess, F.; Höttecke, D.; Henke, A.; & Maiseyenka, V. (2010). Geschichte der Kühltechnik (Refrigerating technology). Case study developed within the European project HIPST (History and Philosophy in Science Teaching), http://hipstwiki.wetpaint.com/page/hipst+developed+cases (12.11.2010).
Fallstudien für den Unterricht
Hier finden Sie eine Reihe von Fallstudien, die im HIPST-Projekt entwickelt und zum Teil in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt wurden.
Title | Key words | Target population | Authors | Language |
"William Gilbert – Separating electrical and magnetic attraction under the magnifying glass of experiment“ (Episode 1 of the series: HistoricGenetic Introduction to Electricity) | static electricity, electrical attraction, magnetism, magnetic attraction, lab diary, categorizing, sorting, William Gilbert | This episode is a part of a larger case study about the history of electricity: Secondary school students aged 12-15. | Andreas Henke, Dietmar Höttecke, Falk Rieß (Germany) | |
"Otto Guericke - Forces, Analogies and the Quality of Scientific Instruments" (Episode 2 of the series: Historic-Genetic Introduction to Electricity) | static electricity, electrical attraction, electrical repulsion, Otto von Guericke, sulphur ball, scientific instruments, analogies, Royal Society, Robert Boyle | This episode is a part of a larger case study about the history of electricity: Secondary school students aged 12-15. | Andreas Henke, Dietmar Höttecke, Falk Rieß (Germany) | |
"Charles dú Fay - Describing and Explaining Electrical Phenomena" (Episode 3 of the series: Historic- Genetic Introduction to Electricity) | static electricity, electrical attraction, electrical repulsion, Charles dú Fay, law, theory, vitreous electricity, resinous electricity | This episode is a part of a larger case study about the history of electricity: Secondary school students aged 12-15. | Andreas Henke, Dietmar Höttecke, Falk Rieß (Germany) | |
"Stephen Gray - Electrical Conduction on the wrong track" (Episode 4 of the series: Historic- Genetic Introduction to Electricity) | static electricity, electrical attraction, electrical repulsion, electrical conduction, conductivity, experimental set-ups, testing hypotheses | This episode is a part of a larger case study about the history of electricity: Secondary school students aged 12-15. | Andreas Henke, Dietmar Höttecke, Falk Rieß (Germany) | |
"Travelling Showmen - Electricity, Entertainment, and the Construction of Scientificality" (Episode 5 of the series: Historic- Genetic Introduction to Electricity) | static electricity, Lichtenberg, Berschitz, electrifiers, Demonstrations, scientificality, scientific community, controversy | This episode is a part of a larger case study about the history of electricity: Secondary school students aged 12-15. | Andreas Henke, Dietmar Höttecke, Falk Rieß (Germany) | |
Moving Bodies: Lessons from Aristole to Galilei about aspects of the nature of science | Aristotle, Galilei, early mechanics, inertia, idealization, role of mathematics in physics, inclinded plane | grade 8-11 (age 14-17) | Dietmar Höttecke, Anna Launus, Andreas Henke, Falk Rieß | |
Refrigeration Technology | history of technology, refrigerator, methods for producing coldeness | grade 5-7 (age 10-14) | Falk Rieß, Dietmar Höttecke, Andreas Henke, Veronika Maiseyenka | |
Excurse to the History of Weigh Concept: From Aristotle to Newton and then to Einstein |
weight, gravitation, inertial force, weigh operational definition, weightlessness, equivalence of inertia and gravitation |
physics teachers, secondary school students |
Igal Galili Michael Tseitlin |
Excurse to the History of Intertial Force | inertia, inertial force, centrifugal force, mutiple observers in physics, operational definition of force |
physics teachers, secondary school students |
Igal Galili Michael Tseitlin |
English |
Understanding Classical Mechanics: A Dialogue with Cartesian Theory of Motion | rest-motion equivalence, the relativity principle, laws of motion, conservation of momentum and kinetic energy |
physics teachers, secondary school students |
Igal Galili Michael Tseitlin |
Excurse to the History of Image Concept and Visioin: From Pythagoras to Kepler | optical image, vision and light rays, eidola, extramission, intromission, image transfer |
physics teachers, secondary school students |
Igal Galili | |
Excurse to the History of Understanding of Motion - De Motu |
old theories of motion, Aristotelian theory, impetus, scientific revolution, nature of science, rest-motion states. |
physics teachers, secondary school students |
Igal Galili Michael Tseitlin |
Hebrew |
Studies of Witelo on Rectilinear Propagation of Light | history of optics, light, rectilinear propagation of light, Witelo, replica, shadow, penumbra, exhibition |
physics teachers, students of higher secondary school, age 16-19 |
Jozefina Turlo Justyna Chojnacka |
The Contribution of Nicholas Copernicus Observations to the Reform of Calendar | calendar, the apparent motion of the sun, the experiment of Copernicus, reflex gnomon |
physics teachers, students of lower and higher secondary schools (age 15-19) |
Jozefina Turlo Magdalena Czerwinska |
English |
Optical microscopes since the firs to the contemporary one | lens, history of microscope, construction of microscope, microscope's magnification |
physics teachers, students of lower secondary school (age 15-16), vocational school (age 18-19), higher secondary school (age 18-20) |
Jozefina Turlo Magdalena Sadowska |
English |
The glasses as a simple optical instruments or from what it started... |
teaching, history of glasses, eye lens, focal lenght, focusing ability |
physics teachers, students of higher secondary school (age 17-19) |
Jozefina Turlo Janusz Kosicki |
English |
Optical microscopes since the firs to the contemporary one | lens, history of microscope, construction of microscope, microscope's magnification |
physics teachers, students of lower secondary school (age 15-16), vocational school (age 18-19), higher secondary school (age 18-20) |
Jozefina Turlo Magdalena Sadowska |
The discovery of the dynamic electricity and the transformation of long distance communications |
Volta's pile, first technical applications of dynamic electricity, optical telegraph, Morse telegraph, submarine telegraphy, transformations in society |
physic teachers, students of secondary school (age 17-19) |
Silvana Barbacci Paolo Brenni Annalisa Bugini Anna Giatti |
English |
Steam, Work, Energy | thermal machines, caloric, relationship heat-energy, first principle of thermodynamic, efficiency, Carnot's cycle, Watt, Carnot, Joule |
physic teachers, students of secondary school (age 15-18) |
Silvana Barbacci Paolo Brenni Anna Giatti |
A Naturalist Who Became a Pioneer of Experimental Marine Oceanography in Portugal Assets for Science Education | history of science, history of oceanography, nature of science, biology education, science education, science museum | Biology teachers, secondary school students (levels 10, 11) |
Cláude Faria, Goncalo Pereira, Isabel Chagas | |
Introduction of Topics of History of Energy in the Teaching of Physics and Chemistry |
Energy, heat, work, force, movement, Mayer, Joule, Colding, Helmholtz, W. Thomson, history, philosophy, teaching |
Physics and Chemistry teachers, secondary school students (age 14-18), vocational school (age 16-18) |
Ricardo Lopes Coelho Magda Marques Teresa Rocha Homem |
English |
Darwin's wiki. A web 2.0 tool to learn evolution with the classics | history of science, biology education, evolution, wiki | Biology teachers, secondary school students (levels 10 to 12) |
António Faria, Marta Caseirito, Ondina Castanheira, Sandra Medeiros, Susana Lemos, Isabel Chagas | English |
Teaching of the simple pendulum and its relation to accurate timekeeping |
Simple pendulum; timekeeping; Galileo; Richer; Shor historical text |
Secondary school students (age 14-15),Physics teachers |
Dimitrios Koliopoulos, Sotirios Dosis |
The teaching of elementary Nature of Science. The case of the Millikan oil drop experiment |
Nature of science, history of science, scientific controversies, Millikan, Ehrenhaft, oil drop, fundamental electric charge, electron |
Secondary school, students aged 15-16, Physics teachers |
Dimitris Koliopoulos, Eleni Paraskevop |
From Hooke’s Micrographia towards the construction of a simple microscope for the teaching and learning of primary science |
Simple microscope, Hooke's Micrographia, microscope studies, study of plants, observation notebooks, primary science. |
Primary school learners, 11-12 year-olds, primary science teachers |
Nektarios Tsagliot | |
From the geocentric to the heliocentric system: An educational scenario based on the history of science in which students produce animation movies | geocentric - heliocentric debate, nature of science, animation movies developed by pupils | Primary school learners, 11-12 year-olds, primary science teachers |
Panagiotis Piliouras, Spyros Siakas, Fanny Seroglou | |
A 6-week Nature of Science module incorporating social and epistemic elements | nature of science | Academic High Schools | Gábor Á. Zemplén | |
Temperature – what can we find out when we measure it? | chemistry education | secondary school | John Oversby | English |
Is acidity perfect or real? | chemistry education | secondary school | John Oversby | English |
Chemical formulae and equations: more than just calculations? | chemistry education | secondary school | John Oversby | English |