2015-2019: Development and Validation of an Instrument for Identifying Noticing of Physics Pre-Service Teachers (BMBF)
Recent research in educational sciences has indicated teachers’ competencies as pivotal for successful learning. According to Shulman (1987) teachers’ professional knowledge has been modeled as content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge as well as attitudes and beliefs. How professional knowledge and successful teaching practice might be interrelated, is still a subject of research and debate. The concept of Noticing is a promising candidate for closing the gap between teachers’ professional knowledge and their teaching performance. Noticing is an action-orientated and situated competence (Kaiser et al. 2015). Noticing entails a concrete, contingent and unpredictable action demand for teachers.
Thus, our study tries to answer the following questions:
1. Can pre-service physics teachers’ Noticing be assessed by an online-survey which encompasses several video-based stimuli each followed by a questionnaire (open-ended and closed items)?
2. Is Noticing domain specific?
3. Does Noticing develop during University teacher training and how?
4. Are there any factors influencing teachers’ Noticing like professional knowledge, duration of study, teacher training program, age, teaching experience, gender, mother tongue or subject taught next to physics?
Wöhlke, C. & Höttecke, D. (accepted). Teachers’ Professional Vision in Teaching Physics – A Validation Study. International Journal of Science Education.
Wöhlke, C. (2020). Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Erfassung der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung angehender Physiklehrkräfte. Berlin: Logos-Verlag, https://www.logos-verlag.de/ebooks/OA/978-3-8325-5149-0.pdf (02.11.2020), supervised by D. Höttecke.
Wöhlke, C. & Höttecke, D. (2020). Professionelle Unterrichtswahrnehmung und fachdidaktisches Wissen. In S. Habig (Hrsg.), Naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen in der Gesellschaft für morgen (S. 423-426). GDCP, Jahrestagung in Wien 2019.
Wöhlke, C. & Höttecke, D. (2019). Ist Noticing valide messbar? Erst Befunde eines Videovignettentests. In C. Maurer (Hrsg.), Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung als Grundlage für berufliche und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe (S. 257-260). Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Jahrestagung Kiel 2018.
Wöhlke, C. & Höttecke, D. (2018). Erfassung von Noticing von Physiklehrkräften – Instrumententwicklung. In C. Maurer (Hrsg.), Qualitätsvoller Chemie- und Physikunterricht – normative und empirische Dimensionen (S.58-61). Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik Jahrestagung in Regensburg 2017.
Wöhlke, C. & Höttecke, D. (2017). Development of an instrument for identifying pre-service physics teachers’ noticing. Paper presented at the ESERA conference 21st-25th August 2017 in Dublin, http://keynote.conference-services.net/resources/444/5233/pdf/ESERA2017_0516_paper.pdf (14.09.2017).
Wöhlke, C., Höttecke, D., Sprenger, S. & Scholten, N. (2016). Development and Validation of an Instrument for Identifying Noticing of Physics Pre-Service Teachers. Poster auf der IHPST-Tagung 22.-25.08.2016, Universität Flensburg.