2021-2024 PhyDiv: Physics Education in a Context of Diversity (DFG)
DFG-Project PhyDiv
In a considerable proportion of schools in Germany is visited by a linguistically diverse body of students. Next to German multiple languages are spoken by pupils whose families have immigrated to Germany. In the everyday life of these families, their heritage languages usually play an important role next to German. Since the 1970s, the number of countries of origin of migrants in Germany has grown continuously. At the same time, the number of languages brought with them has multiplied. At least in large cities more than 100 languages are spoken. A broad spectrum of language experiences is therefore represented in schools - from monolingualism in a language other than German (e.g. recently immigrated students) up to developed reading and writing skills in German or even multiple languages.
Linguistic diversity is the starting point of our research project PhyDiv "Physics Education in a Context of Linguistic Diversity". It aims to develop and test teaching approaches for physics education that lead to better learning outcomes by paying special attention to the linguistic composition of the learning group.
Our investigation is carried out exemplarily in the subject physics. We are asking whether and under which conditions an added value for the learning success can be achieved if pupils were systematically supported in using their entire linguistic repertoires during learning and instruction. In doing so, bilingual or multilingual learners should also use their native language skills. The study should not only provide basic insights, but also results that are useful for the practical design of successful physics lessons in linguistically diverse classes.
Supplementary project PhyDiv-Mikro
PhyDiv-Mikro aims to clarify how language-explicit physics teaching works in detail. In order to investigate this question, instructional analyses of the use of learning opportunities in language-explicit physics instruction will be conducted, which includes the use of the students' languages of origin in the classroom. This instructional variation was developed and implemented as part of the ongoing DFG intervention study PhyDiv. PhyDiv-Mikro uses this resource to derive in-depth descriptive, explanatory and actionable knowledge about modes of action and implementation conditions of language-explicit subject teaching on a micro-level through video analyses. The identification of conducive and inhibitory learning conditions of the language-explicit teaching variant is intended to improve participation opportunities, especially for students whose German language skills are weak.
Supplementary project "Language-explicit physics teaching - vignettes for teacher training"
In another supplementary project, vignettes (audio, transcripts) are extracted from the pilot lessons of PhyDiv for teacher education. Currently, teacher education, especially in physics, still lacks suitable vignettes that represent the effects of language explicitness in situ and make them analyzable and discussable. Alternatively, such vignettes could only be staged which takes a lot of effort. In our project, pilot lessons will be video- or audiographed (depending on the phase and social situation) in order to obtain about 15-20 vignettes for teacher education. They will make different aspects of the theory of language-explicit subject teaching accessible and experiential.
PhyDiv is part of the faculty research area LIDS (Literacy in Diversity Settings.)
The project is conducted in close cooperation with Ingrid Gogolin and is funded by the DFG.
Möller, R., & Höttecke, D. (angenommen). Unterrichtsvignetten als Lernmedium für Scaffolding in sprachexplizitem Physikunterricht [Teaching vignettes as a learning medium for scaffolding in language-explicit physics lessons]. In G. Kaiser, E. Arnold, & J. Doll, Innovative Ansätze zur Veränderung der Lehrkräftebildung. Waxmann.
Brandt, H., Böhmer, J., Gogolin, I., Höttecke, D., Möller, R., & Schauer, R. (angenommen). Physikunterricht im Kontext sprachlicher Diversität (PhyDiv). Die Deutsche Schule.
Möller, R. & Höttecke, D. (angenommen). Nutzung der Familiensprache durch Schüler:innen in sprachexplizitem Physikunterricht. In H.v. Vorst (Hrsg.), Frühe Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Jahrestagung in Hamburg 2023.
Möller, R. & Höttecke, D. (2023). Sprachexpliziter Physikunterricht – Vignetten für die Lehrerbildung [Language-explicit physics education - vignettes for teacher education]. In H.v. Vorst (Hrsg.), Lernen, Lehren und Forschen in einer digital geprägten Welt (S. 953-956). Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Jahrstagung in Aachen 2022.
Schauer, R., Möller, R., Böhmer, J., Brandt, H., & Höttecke, D. (2023). „Energie“ - Entwicklung von sprachexplizitem Physikunterricht ["Energy" - development of language-explicit physics teaching]. In H.v. Vorst (Hrsg.), Lernen, Lehren und Forschen in einer digital geprägten Welt (S. 957-960). Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Jahrstagung in Aachen 2022.