Prof. Liesel Ebersöhn von der University of Pretoria, Südafrika, ist derzeit bei uns zu Gast
4. Juli 2022, von Judith Keinath

Foto: Ebersöhn
Liesel Ebersöhn is Director of the Centre for the Study of Resilience and Full Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Pretoria.
She is at Universität Hamburg for a two month DAAD invited research stay from mid-June to mid-August 2022.
During this research visit, she will be collaborating with research groups focused on linguistic diversity.
She is particularly interested in how existing education learning support models that make the most of linguistic diversity may be adapted for use in South Africa - where linguistic and sociocultural diversity may not necessarily be mainstreamed as a resource to support positive learning and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people.