Dissertation zum Erlernen der Unterrichtssprache in der Türkei und Deutschland
20. September 2023, von Judith Keinath
Foto: Atmacasoy
Abdullah Atmacasoy, a visiting researcher at DivER, successfully defended his PhD dissertation in July 2023 in Ankara. The study is titled “Learning the language of instruction in monolingual countries: A mixed methods comparative study on newly arrived migrant students in Turkey and Germany”. His work was supervised by Prof. Dr. Hanife Akar (Middle East Technical University) and Prof. Dr. Ingrid Gogolin (Universität Hamburg).
He investigated organization of destination language support for newly arrived migrant students in monolingual school contexts and explored contextual factors determining their language proficiency through İstanbul and Hamburg illustrative cases. The mixed methods findings revealed the nested structure that surrounds the language learning as well as its interplay with the super-diverse learner characteristics. Regardless of the integration experience and available resources in the receiving contexts, the findings further exposed the intricate and interconnected nature of destination language organization.