title = "Immer der Reihe nach - Algorithmen in mathematisch-informatischen Lernumgebungen f{\"u}r den Primarbereich",
abstract = "Kinder in der Grundschule lernen Algorithmen meist nicht explizit als solche kennen, sondern wenden zun{\"a}chst erstmal Verfahren mit bestimmten geordneten Arbeitsschritten an. In einer Pilotstudie und zwei weiteren Erhebungswellen haben Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler Lernumgebungen zu mathematisch-informatischen Inhalten, auch zum Thema Algorithmus, bearbeitet. Der Beitrag stellt Teilergebnisse vor und geht der Frage nach, inwiefern Kinder Algorithmen in dem ihnen bekannten Feld der Mathematik identifizieren und beschreiben k{\"o}nnen. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die gemeinsam hervorgebrachten Rahmungen der Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler der Primarstufe vom Konzept des Algorithmus rekonstruiert.",
keywords = "mathematisch-informatische Inhalte, Grundschule, Sch{\"u}ler:innen, Algorithmen, Lernumgebung",
author = "Peter Ludes-Adamy and Marcus Sch{\"u}tte",
year = "2022",
month = dec,
doi = "10.37626/GA9783959872126.0.01",
language = "Deutsch",
isbn = "978-3-95987-211-9",
series = "Lernen, Lehren und Forschen mit digitalen Medien im Mathematikunterricht der Primarstufe",
publisher = "WTM",
pages = "3 -- 21",
editor = "Silke Ladel and Ulrich Kortenkamp",
booktitle = "Informatisch-algorithmische Grundbildung im Mathematikunterricht der Primarstufe",
title = "Fachunterricht unter den Bedingungen von Inklusion und Digitalit{\"a}t",
abstract = "Der Beitrag f{\"u}hrt die Diskurse um Inklusion und Digitalisierung aus einer fach-didaktischen Perspektive zusammen und entwickelt angelehnt an Brandhofer et al. (2018) Anforderungen an Fachunterricht unter den Bedingungen von Digitalit{\"a}t und Inklusion. Nach einer Kl{\"a}rung der Begriffe Inklusion, Digitalisierung und Digitalit{\"a}t wird dazu zun{\"a}chst die Notwendigkeit einer verbindenden Ausei-nandersetzung mit Digitalisierung und Inklusion in der Fachdidaktik anhand von Klafkis Grunds{\"a}tzen allgemeinbildenden Unterrichts aufgezeigt. Die in dem Beitrag dargelegten {\"U}berlegungen orientieren sich nicht an einem spezifischen Unterrichtsfach, sondern nehmen den Allgemeinbildungsauftrag als genuin Gemeinsames der verschiedenen Fachdidaktiken als Ausgangspunkt.",
author = "Mia Viermann and Peter Ludes-Adamy",
year = "2022",
doi = "10.37626/ga9783959871785.0.08",
language = "Deutsch",
isbn = "978-3-95987-177-8",
volume = "8",
series = "Schriften zur allgemeinen Hochschuldidaktik",
publisher = "WTM-Verlag M{\"u}nster",
pages = "93--102",
booktitle = "Diversit{\"a}t Digital Denken – The Wider View",
title = "Reconstructing dissent-consensus situational structures in cooperative mathematics and computer science learning environments",
abstract = "Learning theories in general ask questions about how pupils – or people in general – learn. But exactly how and under which circumstances does the learning of the fundamentally new occur? To focus on this question, learning environments with core topics of mathematics and computer science are examined. Today, computer science is not a topic that is taught in primary schools in Germany. In the focus of digitalization, this topic and its connection to mathematics will play an important role in future curricula, making it an interesting object of investigation. The paper presents an ongoing study that examines, how the topic of computer science connected to mathematics learning can be approached in primary schools and what and how meanings are negotiated. The focus will be on the question, what roles consensus and dissent play in interactional processes of negotiation and how the learning of the fundamentally (Miller, 1986) new occurs in collective argumentation between pupils.",
keywords = "Learning theorie, learning environments, mathematic, computer science, digitalization",
author = "Peter Ludes-Adamy and Marcus Sch{\"u}tte",
year = "2021",
language = "English",
pages = "73 -- 76",
editor = "Jenni Ingram and Marcus Sch{\"u}tte and R{\'i}ord{\'a}in, {Maire N{\'i}}",
booktitle = "Proceedings of Topic Study Group 39",
title = "Dissent and consensus situational structures in interaction based on mathematics and computer science learning",
abstract = "How exactly and under which circumstances does the learning of the fundamentally new occur? To focus on this question, learning environments with core topics of mathematics and computer science are examined. In the focus of digitalization, computer science and its connection to mathematics will play an important role in future curricula, making it an interesting object of investigation. Furthermore, at primary level, computer science topics are about to be included in every subject, including mathematics. The paper presents an ongoing study that examines, how the topic of computer science connected to mathematics learning can be approached in primary schools and what and how meanings are negotiated. The focus will be on the question, what roles consensus and dissent play in interactional processes of negotiation and how the learning of the fundamentally (Miller, 1986) new occurs in collective argumentation between pupils.",
keywords = "1986, an interactionist point of, and the learning of, at least two, collective learning processes of, computer science, consensus, developed a sociological theory, dissent, interaction, mathematics, miller, the fundamentally new, view, view on learning mathematics, we see learning from, when talking about learning, where he focuses on, Interaction, Dissent, Consensus, mathematics, computer science",
author = "Peter Ludes-Adamy and Marcus Sch{\"u}tte",
year = "2020",
language = "English",
pages = "163 -- 170",
editor = "Jenni Ingram and Kristin Erath and Frode R{\o}nning and Alexander Sch{\"u}ler-Meyer and Aur{\'e}lie Chesnais",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh ERME Topic Conference on Language in the Mathematics Classroom",
publisher = "HAL archives ouvertes",
title = "Dissens und Konsens in kooperativen Lernumgebungen in Informatik und Mathematik",
keywords = "Mathematik, Unterricht, Jahrestagung, Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Didaktik der Mathematik",
author = "Peter Ludes-Adamy",
year = "2019",
language = "Deutsch",
isbn = "978-3-95987-123-5",
pages = "493 -- 496",
editor = "Andreas Frank and Stefan Krauss and Karin Binder",
booktitle = "Beitr{\"a}ge zum Mathematikuntericht 2019",
publisher = "WTM-Verlag M{\"u}nster",
title = "Programmieren mit Grundschullehrkr{\"a}ften: Fortbildung zu digitalen Medien im Mathematikunterricht und Programmieren mit dem Calliope mini",
abstract = "F{\"a}higkeiten im fachbezogenen, verst{\"a}ndnisbasierten Umgang mit digitalen Medien sind in der heutigen Gesellschaft unumg{\"a}nglich und werden auch in Zukunft immer bedeutsamer sein. In der Schule werden diese F{\"a}higkeiten jedoch nur {\"a}u{\ss}erst punktuell vermittelt. Somit stellen digitale Kompetenzen und eine informatische Grundbildung zunehmend bedeutsamere Aspekt in der Aus- und Fortbildung von Lehrenden dar. Im Rahmen von Fortbildungen f{\"u}r Lehrkr{\"a}fte der Grundschule zeichnet sich ein gro{\ss}es Interesse dahingehend ab, im Bereich digitale Medien im Mathematikunterricht eine Einf{\"u}hrung in verschiedene Apps zu erhalten, diese kritisch zu begutachten und M{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r deren Einsatz kennenzulernen, sowie im Bereich informatischer Grundbildung erste Kompetenzen zu erwerben, um so auch erste Zug{\"a}nge zum Thema in Unterricht erm{\"o}glichen zu k{\"o}nnen. Gerade die inhaltliche N{\"a}he zum Fach Mathematik spielt hier eine wesentliche Rolle, da zum einen Mathematik f{\"u}r die Informatik unerl{\"a}sslich ist, aber auch mathematische Themen selbst programmiert werden k{\"o}nnen. ",
keywords = "Grundschule, Lehrerbildung, Lehrerfortbildung, Neue Medien, Mathematikunterricht, Computerunterst{\"u}tztes Lernen",
author = "Peter Ludes-Adamy and Marcus Sch{\"u}tte",
year = "2019",
doi = "10.37626/ga9783959871204.0.13",
language = "Deutsch",
isbn = "978-3-95987-119-8",
series = " Lernen, Lehren und Forschen mit digitalen Medien in der Primarstufe ",
publisher = "WTM-Verlag M{\"u}nster",
pages = "239--263",
editor = "Walter, {Daniel } and Roland Rink",
booktitle = "Digitale Medien in der Lehrerbildung Mathematik",
title = "Cooperative learning in mathematics and computer science learning environments",
abstract = "When talking about media in primary school, often, one thinks of the use of computers during everyday classes every once in a while. When realizing that we live in a more and more digitalized world, this seems rather odd. The sole use of media in school is not sufficient to prepare children for a world that expects so much more. The fundamentals of computer science are strongly related to mathematics content and can therefore be linked to competences that children already learn today. The paper will present the evaluation of learning environments, developed with computer science content, to have a closer look at interactional processes that occur when working on a topic that is on the one hand strongly connected to e.g. mathematics but on the other hand fundamentally new for elementary school children and especially relevant in today{\textquoteright}s society. We will focus on co-cooperative processes and consensus and dissent.",
keywords = "Computer science, interaction, mathematical comp, interaction, Computer science, mathematical competences, digitalization",
author = "Peter Ludes-Adamy and Marcus Sch{\"u}tte",
year = "2018",
month = mar,
day = "1",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-3-86780-573-5",
pages = "103--109",
editor = "N{\'u}ria Planas and Sch{\"u}tte, {Marcus }",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IV ERME Topic Conference 'Classroom-based research on mathematics and language",
publisher = "Technische Universitaet Dresden",
address = "Germany",
title = "Jahrgangsgemischter Mathematikunterricht - Einstellungen und Konzepte von Lehrkr{\"a}ften und Studierenden in Sachsen",
abstract = "Jahrgangsgemischter Unterricht wird aus verschiedenen Gr{\"u}nden – p{\"a}dago-gischen und demographischen – und in einer Vielzahl verschiedener Orga-nisationsformen an Schulen umgesetzt (siehe u.a. Brunner, 2017). Im Rah-men des vom BMBF gef{\"o}rderten Projektes TUD-Sylber in Dresden unter-sucht das Einzelvorhaben „JAMU – Gemeinsames Lernen im jahrgangsge-mischten Grundschulmathematikunterricht“ Einstellungen und Konzeptevon s{\"a}chsischen Lehrkr{\"a}ften sowie Studierenden bez{\"u}glich jahrgangsge-mischten Unterrichts. Diese Erkenntnisse sollen f{\"u}r die Lehrer_innenbildunggenutzt werden, um Lehrpersonen besser auf ein Unterrichten in jahrgangs-gemischten Lerngruppen vorzubereiten.",
author = "R.-A Friesen and Peter Ludes-Adamy and Marcus Sch{\"u}tte",
year = "2018",
language = "Deutsch",
pages = "2073--2074",
booktitle = "Beitr{\"a}ge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018",
publisher = "WTM M{\"u}nster",
title = "Fostering of interdisciplinary learning through basic education in computer science in mathematics in primary education",
abstract = "Digitalization is a topic that is ubiquitous in everyday life. The technological revolution progresses with high pace. Technology/web/mobile companies all over the world are flourishing but primary schools (in Germany) do not follow the economy{\textquoteright}s development and has not made computer science part of its curriculum yet. This is either due to technical equipment limitations or to the inability or insecurity of teachers to include technology and the underlying principles in their classroom. Furthermore, it is not officially integrated into the core curriculum which prohibits the implementation of a universal standard for computer science competences that have to be taught in primary schools. The paper will present the underlying project and the development of specificlearning environments that are designed to nurture cooperation and interaction between participants to have a closer look at the in-between, where learning occurs. This will help to solidify the claim that computer science in primary school has a right to exist.",
keywords = "computer science, interaction, mathematical competences, digitalization",
author = "Peter Ludes-Adamy and Marcus Sch{\"u}tte",
year = "2017",
language = "English",
pages = "1324--1331",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education",