Konferenz "Teaching Religious Education"Zweitägige Online-Fachtagung thematisiert aktuelle Herausforderungen und Chancen
22. November 2021
Foto: Elisabetta Civardi
Am 9. und 10. Dezember findet die Tagung "Teaching religious education - Challenges, developments and perspectives in a plural world" statt. Sie wird organisiert durch die UHH (Maria Lucenti und Timm Gerd Hellmanzik, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft) in Kooperation mit der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg.
Die Tagung ist kostenlos und findet online statt. Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung: conferencehamburg2021@gmail.com
Hier finden Sie das Programm.
Religious education is today at the centre of attention and of the political-educational agenda in many states. Far from being an established question, it requires continuous adaptation to changes and new social, political, cultural and identity configurations, taking into account the polysemic interaction between global and local. The purpose of the conference is to analyse what the challenges and directions of religious education are in multiple national contexts, through a plurality of disciplinary approaches - historical, anthropological, pedagogical, didactic, theological, sociological, psychological, etc. - in order to problematize the role, purposes, teaching methodologies and techniques, teaching tools, teacher training, school programs of the discipline in the curricular field in a globalized world, where the religious re-emerges through new and unprecedented configurations - often in its most problematic version - but where, at the same time and paradoxically, religious illiteracy is rampant among the new generations. Precisely in order to analyse the complex interactions between identities and religious education as a school discipline, the conference aim is to highlight how religious education is taught in different contexts and the challenges of these teaching models in a multicultural and multireligious world.