Ringvorlesung der Graduiertenschule zum Thema Lehrerbildung
17. Oktober 2014, von Dr. Wolfgang Roehl

Auftaktveranstaltung – Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014, Raum 05/VMP 8; 18:15-20:00h
Prof. Dr. Hilda Borko, Professor of Education / Stanford Graduate School of Education
Classroom Video as a Tool for Teacher Professional Development and Research
Video has become increasingly popular in professional development as a way for teachers to collaboratively examine instructional practice. Video – like other records of practice such as examples of student work and instructional materials – brings the central activities of teaching into the professional development setting. Clips from video-recorded classroom episodes can be viewed repeatedly and from multiple perspectives. By creating a shared experience, they can serve as a springboard for discussions about the complexities of classroom interactions, and as a tool to support high quality instruction for all students. In this presentation I will share the Problem-Solving Cycle model for mathematics teacher professional development that my colleagues and I developed and studied over a period of more than 10 years. After describing the model, I will share key findings from our research program and suggest ways in which the model can be adapted to address a broad range of subject areas and instructional practices.