Workshop "Effective strategies for teaching at university"
18. April 2018, von Dr. Wolfgang Roehl
HUL - Good Teaching Practice ist ein Angebot des Hamburger Zentrums für universitäres Lehren und Lernen (HUL) und richtet sich an alle Lehrenden der UHH. Dies umfasst alle Personen mit einem Arbeitsvertrag an der UHH sowie die externen Lehrenden der UHH.
Dear colleagues,
are you already teaching at a university or do you intend to teach at a university in the future? Then our following workshop could be of
interest for you:
18S005 - Effective strategies for teaching at university
In this course you will get many useful tips how to make your own teaching more successful and stimulating. Certainly, there will also be a lot of room for discussion, practice and exchange of ideas.
This course will be held in English.
· How does the brain work?
· What needs to be done before a course?
· How can we motivate students?
· How can we achieve active learning?
Trainer: Dipl.-Psych. Gunda Mohr
Dates: Wed-Fri, 18.-20.04.2018, 1st & 2nd day 09:00-17:00, 3rd day 09:00-13:00
Location: Universität Hamburg - HUL, Schlüterstraße 51, 2. OG, 20146 Hamburg. Der Raum ist vor Ort ausgeschildert.
If you wish to take part in the workshop you can use our registration form:
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
your HUL - Good Teaching Practice: Workshops