Prof. Dr. Silvia Maria Melo Pfeifer
Didaktik der romanischen Sprachen
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Geboren am 05. November 1977 in Águeda (Portugal).
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Beruflicher Werdegang |
seit 01.09.2021 |
Universitätsprofessor (W3) für Didaktik der romanischen Sprachen |
2014-2021 |
Universitätsprofessor (W2) für Didaktik der romanischen Sprachen |
2013-2014 |
Stellvertretung Professur, Universität Leipzig (Frau Prof. Dr. Christiane Neveling) |
2010-2013 |
Bildungsattachée/Leiterin der Abteilung für das Schulwesen (Botschaft von Portugal in Berlin) |
2006-2010 |
Post-Doc ,,Fremdsprachendidaktik und Sprachenpolitik" am LIDILEM - Laboratoire de Linguistique et Didactique des Langues Étrangères et Maternelles (Forschungseinrichtung für Linguistik, Fremdsprachen- und Muttersprachendidaktik), Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, Frankreich |
Seit 2006 |
Chercheur associé (Forschungsmitarbeiterin) am LIDILEM - Laboratoire de Linguistique et Didactique des Langues Étrangères et Maternelles (Forschungseinrichtung für Linguistik, Fremdsprachen- und Muttersprachendidaktik). Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, Frankreich Mitglied des CIDTFF - Centro de Investigação Didática e Tecnologia na Formação de Formadores / Research Centre for Didactics and Technology in Teacher Education. Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
2006 |
Promotion in Sprachendidaktik bei Prof. Dr. Maria Helena Araújo e Sá, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
Schul-, Hochschul- und pädagogische Ausbildung |
1999/ |
Studienintegriertes Referendariat. Escola Secundária Marques de Castilho, Águeda, Portugal |
1995-2000 |
Studium Französisch und Portugiesisch (Lehramtsstudium). Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
1995 |
Abitur in Águeda, Portugal |
- Mehrsprachigkeit und Interkomprehension
- Interkulturelles Lernen
- Mehrsprachige Interaktion
- Herkunftssprache
Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)
Monografien und Sammelbände
- ARAÚJO e SÁ, Mª. H. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2018). “Multilingual Interaction: dynamics and achievements”. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (special issue), Vol. 21, Issue 7. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).
- ARAÚJO e SÁ, Mª H. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (Eds.) (2010). Formação de Formadores para a Intercompreensão: princípios, práticas e reptos / L'intercompréhension en Langues Romanes: principes, pratiques et défis. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro.
- ARAÚJO e SÁ, Mª H.; HIDALGO, R.; MELO-PFEIFER, S.; SERE, A.; VELA, C. (Eds.) (2009). L'intercompréhension en Langues Romanes: concepts, pratiques, formations. Aveiro: Oficina Digital.
- ARONIN, L. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (Eds.) (2023). Language Awareness and Identity. Insights via Dominant Language Constellation Approach. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-031-37026-7
- GONÇALVES, M. L. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (Eds.) (2020). Português Língua de Herança e Formação de Professores. Lisboa: LIDEL. ISBN: 978-989-752-517-9
- HELMCHEN, Ch.; MELO-PFEIFER, S. & VON ROSEN, J. (Eds.) (2021). Mehrsprachigkeit in der Schule. Ausgangspunkte, unterrichtliche Herausforderungen und methodisch-didaktische Zielsetzungen.Tübingen: Narr Verlag. ISBN 978-3823383055
- HELMCHEN, C. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (Eds.) (2018). Plurilingual literacy practices at school and in teacher education. Berlin: Peter Lang.
- KALAJA, P. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (Eds.) (2024). Visualising Language Students and Teachers as Multilinguals: Advancing Social Justice in Education. Bristol: Multilingual Matters(open acess).
- KAJALA, P. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (Eds.) (2019). Visualising multilingual lives. More than words. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Les Langues Modernes. Dossier : L'Intercompréhension, 1/2008. APLV [avec Christian Degache].
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & OLLIVIER, Ch. (Eds.) (2024). Assessment of plurilingual competence and plurilingual learners in educational settings: Educative issues and empirical approaches. London: Routledge. ISBN: 9781032011097
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & TAVARES, V. (Eds.) (2024). Language Teacher Identity: Confronting Ideologies of Language, Race, and Ethnicity. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-394-15453-1
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (Ed.) (2023). Linguistic landscapes in language and in teacher education: multilingual teaching and learning inside and beyond the classroom. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-031-22867-4
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & YANAPRASART, P. (2019), “Plurilingual expatriate teachers in Higher Education”. European Journal of Higher Education (special issue), Autumn 2019, 9(3) 2019.
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & REIMANN, D. (2018) (Hrsg.). Plurale Ansätze im Fremdsprachenunterricht in Deutschland. State of the art, Implementierung des REPA und Perspektiven. Tübingen: Narr. ISBN 978-3-8233-8189-1
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & SIMÕES, A. R. (Eds.) (2017). Plurilinguismo vivido, plurilinguismo desenhado: estudos sobre a relação dos sujeitos com as línguas. E-Book. Colecção “Encontros na Língua Portuguesa”. Santarém: Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém.
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (Ed.) (2016). Didática do Português Língua de Herança. Lisboa: LIDEL.
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & ARAÚJO e SÁ, Mª H. (Ed.) (2013). Comunicação electrónica em aula de Português Língua Estrangeira. Lisboa: LIDEL
- PINTO, P. F. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (Eds.) (2018). Políticas Linguísticas em Português. Lisboa: Lidel.
- SLAVKOV, N.; S. MELO-PFEIFER & N. KERSCHHOFER-PUHALO (Eds.) (2021), The changing face of the native speaker: Perspectives from multilingualism and globalization. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN: 9781501517693
- SOUZA, A. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (Eds.) (2021). Portuguese as a Heritage Language in Europe: A pluricentric perspective. Campinas: Edições Pontes. ISBN: 978-65-5637-266-2
Artikel (Auswahl)
- ALARCÃO, I; ANDRADE, A. I.; ARAÚJO e SÁ, M. H. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2009). "De la Didactique de la Langue à la Didactique des Langues : observation d'un parcours épistémologique". Les Cahiers de l' ACEDLE, 6.
- ARAÚJO E SÁ, M. H.; CARINHAS, R. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2022). De la rue aux pupitres : l’éducation au plurilinguisme à travers les paysages linguistiques vue par les enseignants de langues. In Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures – RDLC, Les Cahiers de l’ACEDLE (Special issue : « Apprentissage formel et informel des langues : quelles articulations ? »), 20 (1).
- ARAÚjO e SÁ, M. H. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2021). Online plurilingual language interaction: identity construction and the development of the plurilingual competence of students and teachers. A focus on intercomprehension. In: PICCARDO, Enrica; GERMAIN-RUTHERFORD, Aline; LAWRENCE, Geoff (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Plurilingual Language Education. London: Routledge (276-295). ISBN 978- 1- 138- 54562- 5
- ARAÚJO e SÁ, Mª H. ; DE CARLO, M. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2020). “Formation d'enseignants de langues à l'Intercompréhension: pratiques, répercussions, contraintes. Back to the future ?”. In Le Français dans le Monde - Revue Recherches et Applications - Numéro Thématique : « Plurilinguisme et formation des enseignants". (Coordinatrices : Monica Vlad et Stéphanie Galligani), 67 (160-168). Paris : Cle International.
- ARAÚJO e SÁ; De CARLO, & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2011). "L'Intercomprensione nell'interazione plurilingue". In De CARLO, M. (coord.), Intercomprensione e educazione al plurilinguismo. Collana "Lingue sempre meno straniere" diretta da Danielle Lévy, Porto S. Elpidio: Wizarts editore (287-301).
- ARAÚJO, M. H.; DE CARLO, M & MELO-PFEIFER. (2010). "O que diriam sobre os portugueses?????": Intercultural Curiosity in Multilingual Chat-Rooms. In Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication, Vol. 10, n.4, November 2010 (277-298).
- ARAÚJO e SÁ, M. H. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2009) "Co-construcción de saberes lingüísticos en los chats plurilingües en lenguas románicas". Lopez Alonso, C. & Matesanz del Barrio (Ed.), Las plataformas de aprendizaje. Del mito a la realidad. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva (225-251).
- ARAÚJO e SÁ, Mª. H. & MELO, S. (2007). "On-line plurilingual interaction in the development of Language Awareness". In Language Awareness, 16: 1, Multilingual Matters (número especial sobre interacção electrónica) (7-20).
- BONO, M. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2020). “English and Heritage Languages from a Multilingual Perspective: Challenges and Possibilities for Integration”. In Anastassiou, F. & Andreou, G. (2020). English as a Foreign Language: Perspectives on Teaching, Multilingualism and Interculturalism. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (1-19). ISBN 978-1-5275-4287-7
- BONO, M. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2012). "La compétence plurilingue dans une perspective socio-constructiviste et (co-)actionnelle". In G. Alao, M. Derivry, S. Yun-Roger & E. Suzuki (ed.), Didactique plurilingue et pluriculturelle : l'acteur en contexte mondialisé. Paris: Éditions des Archives Contemporaines (61-72).
- BONO, M. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2011). "Language negotiation in multilingual learning environments". In International Journal of Bilingualism, 15: 3, SAGE (291-309).
- CHIK, A. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2023). Do societal and individual multilingualism lead to positive perceptions of multilingualism and language learning? A comparative study with Australian and German pre-service teachers. Language Awareness. DOI:
- CHIK, A. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2023). Beliefs about multilingualism: Is a methodological and epistemological change necessary?. International Journal of Multilingualism.
- CHIK, A. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2019). Social representations about multilingualism. In G. Barkzuhin (ed.), Qualitative research topics in Language teacher education. London: Routledge (149-154). ISBN 978-1138618145
- COSTA WÄTZOLD, J. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2020). “How is the bilingualism of Portuguese heritage children perceived by their parents? – Results from an ethnographic case study of a non-formal learning setting in Germany”. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. DOI 10.1080/13670050.2020.1731415
- FANECA, R.; ARAÚJO e SÁ, M. H. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2021). Fostering more responsible linguistic practices in Portuguese classrooms: Is teacher education the key for integrating Heritage Languages?. In Mary, L., Krüger, A.-B. & Young, A. (eds.), Migration, Multilingualism and Education: Critical Perspectives on Inclusion. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781800412941
- FANECA, R.; ARAÚJO e SÁ, M. H. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2016). “Is there a place for heritage languages in the promotion of an intercultural and multilingual education in the Portuguese schools?”. Language and Intercultural Communication. DOI: 10.1080/14708477.2015.1113751
- FERREIRA, T. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2015). “Desenvolvimento da competência plurilingue: quebrar o habitus monolingue dos manuais escolares”. In M. H. Araújo e Sá & A. S. Pinho (org.), Intercompreensão em contexto educativo. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro.
- HELMCHEN, C. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2018). Professional development of future foreign language teachers during short-term exchanges. In On the Horizon, Vol 24, Issue 2. (special issue). ISSN: 1074-8121. DOI 10.1108/OTH-11-2017-0091
- LOURENÇO, M. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2023). A paisagem linguística: uma ferramenta pedagógica no âmbito de uma educação plurilingue e para a cidadania global. Diacrítica, 36(2), 209–231.
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2023). Au-delà du trompe-l'œil : un regard sur l’interculturel dans les manuels de langue étrangère en Allemagne. In F. Montandon, H. Mounir & J. Mbiatong (Eds.), La société inclusive à l’épreuve de l’interculturel. Paris : L'Harmattan (collection Espaces Interculturels). ISBN : 978-2140344640
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2023). The dynamics of Dominant Language Constellations: Moments of linguistic ecological transition as portrayed by pre-service foreign language teachers. In L. Aronin & S. Melo-Pfeifer (Eds.), Language Awareness and Identity. Insights via Dominant Language Constellation Approach (pp. 247–261). Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-37026-7
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2022). „UND wir sind weggelaufen”: borders and walls in narratives of forced displacement. A study with Middle Est refugees’ visual narratives in the German as a second language (DaZ) classroom. In Breeze, R.; Gintsburg, S. & Baynham, M. (Eds.), Narrating Migrations from Africa and the Middle East: A Spatio-Temporal Approach. Bloomsbury (67–86). ISBN: 9781350274556
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2022). “Linguistic landscapes in the home: multilingual children’s toys, books and games”. In A. Stavans & U. Jessner (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Childhood Multilingualism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (605-622). ISBN: 9781108669771
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2021).”From TESOL to TOLSE: plurilingual repertoires at the heart of language learning and teaching”. In K. Raza, Ch. Coombe & D. Reynolds (Eds.), Policy Development in TESOL and Multilingualism: Past, Present and the Way Forward. Berlin: Springer (245-256). ISBN 978-981-16-3602-8
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2021). “Understanding Dominant Language Constellations through analysis of visual linguistic autobiographies by Foreign Language student-teachers in Germany”. In L. Aronin & E. Vetter (eds.), Dominand Language Constellations Approach in Education and Language Acquisition. Berlin: Springer (203-224). ISBN 978-3-030-70768-2
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2021). Eine pas très facile Leidenschaft? Die Entwicklung berufsbezogener Überzeugungen von angehenden Französischlehrkräften. Eine explorative Studie in Bachelorund Masterstudiengängen an der Universität Hamburg. In M. Grein, B. Schädlich & J. Vernal Schmidt (Eds.), Die Krise des Französischunterrichts in der Diskussion. Empirische Forschung zur Frankoromanistik – Lehramtsstudierende im Fokus. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart (64-85). ISBN: 978-3476058010. URL:
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2021). “Developing multiliteracies in on-line multilingual interactions: the example of chat-room conversations in Romance Languages”. In Breuer, E.O., Lindgren, E., Stavans, A., and Van Steendam, E. (eds.). Multilingual Literacy. Bristol: Multilingual Matters (165- 186). ISBN-13: 978-1-80041-069-5
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2021). “¿Profesor/a de ELE o educador plurilingüe?” Dudas y crisis como momentos productivos en el desarrollo profesional en la formación inicial de profesores de lenguas. In M. Saracho-Arnáiz y H. Otero-Doval (Eds.), Internacionalización y enseñanza del español LE/L2: plurilingüismo y comunicación intercultural (pp. 53-71). Oporto: ASELE. ISBN: 978-84-932766-8-3
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2020). Intercomprehension in the mainstream language classroom at secondary school level: how online multilingual interaction fosters foreign language learning. In J. Duarte & C. Kirsch (eds.), Multilingual approaches for teaching and learning - From acknowledging to capitalising on multilingualism in European mainstream education. London: Routledge (94-113). ISBN: 978-0-367-18135-2
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2019). « L’authenticité plurilingue comme idéologie linguistique à l’université ». In L. Gajo; J.-M. Luscher ; I. Racine & F. Zay (eds.), Variation, plurilinguisme et évaluation en FLE. Bern: Peter Lang (241-252). ISBN 978-3-631-79643-6
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2019). Business as usual? (Re)conceptualizations and the multilingual turn in education. The case of Mother Tongue. In E. Vetter & U. Jessner (ed.), International Research on Multilingualism: Breaking with the Monolingual Perspective. Dordrecht: Springer Nature Switzerland AG (27-41). ISBN 978-3-030-21379-4
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2018). “The multilingual turn in language education: facts and fallacies”. In Bonnet, A. & Siemund, P. (eds.) (2018), Foreign Language Education in Multilingual Classrooms. New York, Amsterdam: Benjamins (191-212). ISBN 9789027201010
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2018). “When Non-Romance Languages break the linguistic contract in Romance Languages chat rooms: Theoretical consequences for the studies on Intercomprehension”. In Buendgens-Kosten, J. & Elsner, D. (ed.), Multilingual Computer Assisted Language Learning. Bristol: Multilingual Matters (151-167). ISBN: 9781788921480
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2017). „Translanguaging“ in der mehrsprachigen schriftlichen Interaktion: Sprachliche Mittel und Ko-Konstruktion der Interkomprehension zwischen romanischen Sprachen in Chat-Rooms“. In C. Bürgel & D. Reimann (Hrsg.), Sprachliche Mittel im Unterricht der romanischen Sprachen. Tübingen: Narr Verlag (381-397).
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2017). “Drawing the multilingual self: how children portray their multilingual resources”. In IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 55/1, 41-60. DOI: 10.1515/iral-2017-0006
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2016). “Translanguaging in multilingual chat interaction: opportunities for Intercomprehension between Romance Languages”. In Wang, Congcong and Lisa Winstead (ed.), Handbook of Foreign Language Research in the Digital Age. IGI Global (188-207).
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2016). “Public understanding of linguistic planning and national speakers’ linguistic rights: a case study on the orthographic reform debate in Portugal”. In Language in Society, 45/3 (423-443). Cambridge University Press.
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2015). “Multilingual Awareness and Heritage Language Education: children’s multimodal representations of their multilingualism”. Language Awareness. URL :
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2015). “An interactional perspective on intercomprehension between Romance Languages: translanguaging in multilingual chatrooms”. In Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen. Zur Theorie und Praxis des Sprachunterrichts an Hochschulen, 44/2 (100-113).
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2015). “The role of the family in Heritage Language use and learning: impact on heritage language policies”. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 18/1, (26-44).
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2014). «La Didactique des Langues à la croisée de tensions épistémologiques : quo vadis, Didactique des Langues? ». In Synergies Portugal, 2 (15-32). URL:
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2013). "Blogs and the development of plurilingual and intercultural competence: report of a co-actional approach in Portuguese Foreign Language Classroom". In Computer Assisted Language Learning, CALL (Routledge / Taylor & Francis).
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2012) "Intercomprehension between Romance Languages and the role of English: a study of multilingual chat-rooms". In International Journal of Multilingualism.
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2011). "De la dissociation à l'articulation de compétences : apports théoriques au concept d'Intercompréhension ". In Meißner, F.-J.; Capucho, F.; Degache, Ch.; Martins, A.; Spita, D. & Tost, M. (coord.) (2011), Intercomprehension: Learning, teaching, research / Apprentissage, enseignement, recherche / Lernen, Lehren, Forschung. Tübingen: Giessener Beiträge zur Fremdsprachendidaktik. Narr Verlag (219-242)
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2011). "Researchers' multilingual awareness in an international research team". In C. Varcasia (org.), Becoming Multilingual. Language Learning and Language Policy Between Attitudes and Identities. Bern: Peter Lang (135-163).
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & ARAÚJO e SÁ, M. H. (2018). Multilingual interaction in chat rooms: translanguaging to learn and learning to translanguage. In International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. URL:
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & ARAUJO E SA, M. H. (2010). "La construction de l'intercompréhension dans l'interaction : images des langues et conscience plurilingue dans des clavardages romanophones". In Doyé, P. & Meissner, F.-J. (Org.), Lernerautonomie durch Interkomprehension: Projekte und Perspektiven / L'autonomisation de l'apprenant par l'intercompréhension: projets et perspectives / Promoting Learner Autonomy through intercomprehension: projects and perspectives. Tübingen: Narr Verlag (267-280).
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & CHIK, A. (2020). “Multimodal linguistic biographies of prospective foreign language teachers in Germany: reconstructing beliefs about languages and multilingual language learning in initial teacher education”. International Journal of Multilingualism. DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2020.1753748
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & DEDECEK GERTZ, H. (2023). Situated and responsive pedagogy to learn from misinformation: the potential of bridging the gap between students’ digital and school lives. In L. Parker (Ed.), Education in the age of misinformation. Palgrave (pp. 225-249). ISBN 978-3-031-25870-1
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & DEDECEK GERTZ, H.D. (2022). “Transforming disinformation on minorities into pedagogical resources: towards a critical intercultural news literacy”. Journal Media and Communication, 10(4) (special issue Inclusive Media Education).
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & SCHMIDT, A. (2019). „Social integration as portrayed in visual narratives by refugees in Germany”. In P. Kalaja & S. Melo-Pfeifer (ed.). Visualising Multilingual Lives More Than Words. Oxon: Multilingual Matters (53-72). ISBN 9781788922593
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & SCHMIDT, A. (2012). „Linking "Heritage Language" Education and Plurilingual Repertoires development: evidences from drawings of Portuguese pupils in Germany. In L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 12, p.1-30. URL: http://l1.publication-
- MELO-PFEIFER, S. & SCHRÖDER-SURA, A. (2018). Les tâches de médiation dans les manuels de Français Langue Étrangère en Allemagne. In Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures, Les Cahiers de l’ACEDLE, 15-3. URL :
- OLLERHEAD, S.; CHIK, A. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2023). Building a virtual transnational space for initial teacher education: visual language biographies as mediation instruments between Australian and German higher education students. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (special issue).
- PEP - Promotion de l’éducation plurilingue / Promoting plurilingual education.
Convention 2023-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000160820, Erasmus Plus - KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices / Strategic Partnerships for higher education (Leitung: Université de La Réunion), von 01/19/2023 bis 31/08/2026. - AGILE - Higher education resilience in refugee crises: forging social inclusion through capacity building, civic engagement and skills recognition.
Erasmus Plus 2022–2025 (Projekt 2022-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000087334). Von 1.12.2022 bis 31.05.2025 (unter der Koordination von Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis) - BOLD - Building on Linguistic and Cultural Diversity for social action within and beyond European universities.
Erasmus Plus 2022–2025 (Projekt 2022-1-DE01-KA220-HED-0086001). Von 1.12.2022 bis 30.11.2025 (unter der Koordination von Universität Hamburg) - IDéAL - Die Sprache des Anderen lernen, mit einander leben. OFAJ / DFJW 2022-2025 - Global Classroom Grant 2022 (Partner: Josh Prada, Indiana University, USA). - CoMMiTTEd - Covid, Migrants and Minorities in Teacher Education: A Fake News Observatory to promote Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy in Times of Crisis, Erasmus Plus 2021 – 2023 (Form ID: KA226-F20D1BF9). - ProCONCEPT - Proof of concept: crisscrossing migrant families and teachers perspectives on co-education and integration through plurilingual and intercultural dialogues.
Landesforschungsförderung Hamburg, Fördermaßnahme 5: Aufbau internationaler Forschungskooperationen, „Ostseestrategie für den Wissenschaftsstandort Hamburg“. Projekt LFF-OS 91-2020. Von 01.01.2021 bis 31.12.2022. - “VarLang - Variedades linguísticas e culturais no ensino de línguas estrangeiras”
Leiter: Prof. Mário Cruz, Escola Superior de Educação do Porto (Portugal), inEd - Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação, Von 1.11.2019 bis 31.10.2022. - “LoCALL: LOcal Linguistic Landscapes for global language education in the school context”
Erasmus Plus Projekt 2019-1-DE03-KA201-060024), von 1.9.2019 bis 31.8.2022 (unter der Koordination von Universität Hamburg);
Locall Project – Local Linguistic Landscapes - METLA - Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment
European Center for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe. Leiterin: Maria Stathopoulou (Greece), 2020 und 2021.
URL: - “In others’ shoes: But how? International virtual collaboration in initial teacher education for sustainable intercultural and multilingual education”, im Rahmen des "IVAC - International Virtual Academic Collaboration" (with Alice Chik). Von 1.09.2020 bis 31.10.2021 - “In others’ shoes: pre-service teachers’ cross-comparison of multilingual and multicultural experiences in Hamburg and Sydney”, im Rahmen des "Trilateral Strategic Partnership MQ-FU-HAM" (with Alice Chik). Von 1.03.2020 bis 31.12.2020 - EVAL-IC – Evaluation des compétences en intercompréhension: réception et interactions plurilingues
Erasmus Plus - KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices / Strategic Partnerships for higher education. Von 1.09.2016 bis 1.09.2019 (unter der Koordination von Université de la Réunion, Frankreich); - SPIRAL- School-teacher Professionalisation: Intercultural Resources and Languages
Erasmus Plus, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices / Strategic Partnerships for higher education, von 01.09.2015 bis 01.09.2018 (unter der Koordination von CiEP, Paris); - Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Französisch Jugendliteratur im Fremdsprachenunterricht
ProFaLe Projekt (mit Professor Dr. Martin Neumann). Von 01.10.2016 bis 31.08.2017 - Koinos - European Portfolio of Plurilingual Literacy Practices
Erasmus Plus, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices / Strategic Partnerships for higher education, von 01.09.2015 bis 1.09.2017. (unter der Koordination von Consejaría de Educación, Barcelona); - Représentations des enseignants plurilingues par les étudiants dans le domaine de la didactique des langues. Entre perception monolingue et plurilingue du plurilinguisme
von Patchareerat Yanaprasart (Université de Genève, Faculté des Lettres, Ecole de langue et de civilisation françaises) und Silvia Melo-Pfeifer (Universität Hamburg, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft, Didaktik der romanischen Sprachen) geleitet. Dauer: 6 Monate - Literatur und Interkulturelles Lernen im Französischunterricht
LI Projekt (mit Professor Dr. Martin Neumann), von 01.10.2015 bis 31.08.2016 - MIRIADI: „Mutualisation et innovation pour un Réseau de l’Intercompréhension à Distance”
(Programme Transversal, Activité- Clé 2 Langues-Réseaux, Lifelong Learning Programme, 531186- LLP-1-2012-1-FR-KA2-KA2NW), vom 01.12.2012 bis 30.11.2015, unter der Koordination von Sandra Garbarino, der Université Lumière Lyon 2 (Frankreich) (; - MEMA - Migrant education monitoring and assessment
IP/B/CULT/IC/2015-163, Projekt von European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) (unter der Koordination von Miquel Àngel Essomba Gelabert, Universidad de Barcelona, Spanien); Rolle: Expert für Deutschland. - „Imagens do (ensino) Português no Estrangeiro/ Image des Portugiesischen/ Portugiesischunterrichts im Ausland”
(mit finanzieller Unterstützung des Instituto Camões) von 2010 bis 2013 (; - Desarrollo de las competencias para la educación multilingüe, Projekt
von Universidad de Barcelona (unter der Koordination von Juli Palou Sangra und Margarida Cambra Giné (Finanzierung: Ministerio de Economia y Competividad de España, Plan Nacional I+D+i 2008-2011); Rolle: externe Beratung. - GALAPRO (LLP), „Galapro: Formation de formateurs à l’intercompréhension en Langues Romanes”, von 2008 bis 2009, unter der Koordination von Maria Helena de Araújo e Sá (
- GALANET: Plateforme pour le développement de l'intercompréhension en Langues Romanes” (Sócrates/Língua - 90235-CP-1-2001-1-FR-LINGUA-L2), von 2001 bis 2004, unter der Koordination von Christian Degache (
Link zu den Projekten: