Education and its contribution to human knowledge - Vortrag von Prof. Dominic Wyse
7. Oktober 2019, von Bente Gießelmann

Foto: UHH/DivER
Am 28. Oktober ist Prof. Dominic Wyse zu Gast an der Universität Hamburg, um über Wissenstraditionen und das Verhältnis von erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung und Praxis zu sprechen.
Herzliche Einladung zu einer Lunchvorlesung
am 28. Oktober 2019, 12 – 14 Uhr, Mittelweg 177, Raum N 0008
Education and its contribution to human knowledge: reciprocal relationships between academic disciplines and educational practice.
Professor Dominic Wyse (Professor of Early Childhood and Primary Education, University College London Institute
of Education (IOE), Präsident der British Educational Research Association)
Inhalt des Vortrags:
This talk explores the nature of education as a vital part of human knowledge, in society and in the academy. The argument is framed by work that has categorised the discipline of education as derived from three main clusters of origins: academic knowledge traditions; practical knowledge traditions and integrated knowledge traditions. In order to begin to explore the coherence of education as an academic discipline the early part of the talk initiates some contrasts with other disciplines such as mathematics and the arts. The main section of the talk reviews scholarship in relation to the concept of education research that is Close-to-Practice, and the relevance of this to understanding education as an academic discipline. The talk concludes with reflections on how we might conceive and understand education and its contribution to knowledge now and in the future.
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Gogolin, Prof. Dr. Drorit Lengyel, Fakultät 4, Fachbereich 1
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