Promoting multilingualism and multiculturalism within German-Russian Institute of Advanced Technologies
13. Juli 2017, von Dr. Wolfgang Roehl
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Ass.-Prof. Dr. Alsu Gilmetdinova und Ass.-Prof. Dr. Olga Zhukova aus der Universität ‚Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev – KAI (TU Kazan)‘ sind im Monat Juli 2017 aufgrund einer Förderung des DAAD Gäste unserer Fakultät.
Wir möchten Sie hiermit zu einem Gastvortrag der beiden Kolleginnen herzlich einladen:
Dienstag, 25. Juli 2017
10:30 bis 11:45 Uhr
Raum 527 in der Alsterterrasse 1 (5. Stock), 20354 Hamburg.
Thema: Promoting multilingualism and multiculturalism within German-Russian Institute of Advanced Technologies
Dr. Alsu Gilmetdinova and Dr.Olga Zhukova will present the German-Russian Institute of Ad-vanced Technologies (GRIAT), which according to DAAD is the largest educational project between Germany and Russia. GRIAT is a faculty in TU Kazan and currently offers 8 double degree MSc programs in English (mainly in engineering) in collaboration with TU Braunschweig, TU Kaiserslautern, TU Ilmenau and OVGU Magdeburg.
Olga and Alsu will describe GRIAT as a successful model for international double/joint degree programs, focus on what kind of foreign language and pedagogical support such projects need to run effectively, and explore how such programs can drastically enhance both professors’ and students’ multilin-gual and multicultural skills. In addition, they will briefly mention the burgeoning need for de-veloping academic writing skills in foreign languages, and how the newly opening Writing Center will serve GRIAT and larger university community’s writing needs. At the end, the scho-lars will highlight their research areas.
Damit wir besser planen können, bitten wir herzlich um Rückmeldung an Julia Behr (sekgogolin"AT" bis zum 21.07.2017, ob Sie Ihre Teilnahme möglich machen können. Wir würden uns darüber sehr freuen.
Mit besten Grüßen,
Ingrid Gogolin, Drorit Lengyel und Sara Fürstenau