Pattern recognition and implicit learning in deaf and hearing impaired children (IMPLES)
Description: About half of the students with profound hearing impairment leave school as low-literate. Also for about 40% of the children with cochlear implants significant limitations in reading comprehension can be observed despite good speech intelligibility. Likewise, with respect to mathematical competences, sometimes significant delays are evident. However, little is known about the role of early language experience and implicit learning. Implicit learning strategies, research shows, are important for the later development of language and mathematical competencies. In this project, the implicit learning ability and pattern recognition of deaf children growing up with sign language will be systematically assessed for the first time. In an experimental study, the influence of early language experience (sign language) on implicit learning strategies and explicit knowledge will be investigated.
Duration: 2021-2022
Project leadership: Prof. Dr. Barbara Hänel-Faulhaber
Cooperation partner: Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology (Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder)
Scientific staff: Viktor Werner (pattern recognition), Dr. Anne Wienholz (implicit learning)
Funding: Excellence strategy of the federal and state governments