Coactivating the difference in the verbal domain of German Sign Language: A developmental perspective at signers processing signing and reading (CoDiPro)
DFG-funded project for investigating processing of DGS and reading
(Video in DGS / copyright: IDGS)
Description: The project "Coactivating the difference in the verbal domain of German Sign Language: A developmental perspective at signers processing signing and reading (CoDiPro)" has been approved for funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The cooperative project between the Institute for German Sign Language and Communication of the Deaf (IDGS) and Sign Language and Audio Pedagogy (D2L, EW) will, for the first time, investigate the development of bimodal-bilingual co-activation patterns of DGS and German (reading). Deaf and hearing adults as well as deaf students of different ages and with different language biographies will participate in EEG studies. The project is expected to yield results on the emergence of possible co-activation patterns that will inform the design of effective reading support approaches for deaf and hearing-impaired children, among other things.
Duration: since 2023
Project leadership: Prof. Dr. Annika Herrmann, Prof. Dr. Barbara Hänel-Faulhaber
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)