History Education
History Education at Universität Hamburg
Historical thinking is not at all restricted to the academic domain – it takes place at all times and at any place in our society. Therefore, it must not be the aim of history teaching and learning to simply transfer the findings of historical research into the students’ heads (so-called “Abbilddidaktik”). It is also not about a mere “transmission” of historical knowledge or the unreflected adoption of ready-made historical interpretations. Rather, history teaching and learning is about enabling people to perform autonomous historical thinking and about the empowerment to critically deal with history and all kinds of accounts on past events. Temporal orientation (and being able to orientate oneself consistently) is elemental for an active participation in a plural and constantly changing society.
The History Education subject group feels obliged to this approach in research and teaching. Please take a closer look at our research profile.
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» Contact to front office ("Geschäftszimmer", Von-Melle-Park 8, room 429)
Feel free to contact us via E-mail for research requests: historyeducation.ew"AT"uni-hamburg.de
Assorted samples of History Education in Hamburg since 1988 – get to know more in our project overview
Active professors
- https://www.ew.uni-hamburg.de/einrichtungen/ew5/didaktik-geschichte/sprechstunden.html
- History Education