Faculty Staff
See German version for a complete staff list.
Active professors

Photo: Bähr
Office hours during the semester (Location: Room 614, VMP 8)
every Tuesday from 1 to 2pm
Exceptions: 2nd, 16th of May & 11th of July
Please register for an appointment using the following link: https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/p/75af27295ba758bbd0d8a3d6194dbf17-197156.

Photo: Iris Beck
By appointment via email.

WiSe 2022/23:
Ab dem 24.10.2022 findet die Sprechstunde in Präsenz, in Raum 116, statt.
Bitte tragen Sie sich hier für einen Termin ein:
(telefonisch auch möglich auf Anfrage und Mitteilung Ihrer Telefonnummer an: helene.gaudet@uni-hamburg.de)

Photo: Scholzfoto
Please contact Julia Behr to make an appointment!

Register for my office hours via email to Patricia.Sausmikat@uni-hamburg.de or call extension -3766.
Let us know in your registration request whether you need a 10 or 20 minute time slot!
Until further notice office hours are held by phone: extension -3712 or video chat if desired.

Office hours during Summer Semester 2020:
Office hours during Summer Semester 2020 only by appointment by email.

Office hours during the lecture period (16th of October until 3rd of February 2024):
Wednesday, the 10th of January, 11am to 1pm
Wednesday, the 24th of January, 11am to 1pm
Office hours during the lecture free period:
Wednesday, the 14th of February, 3pm to 5pm
Wednesday, the 28th of February, 3pm to 5pm
Wednesday, the 20th of March, 11am to 1pm
Participation is possible via zoom or in presence.
Please arrange appointments via e-mail.
I have a sabbatical semester in the summer term of 2024. So unfortunately I can't accept any new theses at the moment.
Dear students: for e-mail communication with us, please use your UHH e-mail account exclusively.
Term papers can be handed to Mrs Felsen (department office: room 107).

- https://www.ew.uni-hamburg.de/einrichtungen/ew5/didaktik-geschichte/sprechstunden.html
- History Education

Please make an appointment via the dean's office: dekan.ew"AT"uni-hamburg.de.

Please choose a time slot in the office hours calendar (German language).

Winter semester 2020/21:
By appointment via email

- From 01.07.2024, office hours will only take place by appointment. Please send an e-mail, stating your request.

- Please wrtie me an e-mail to arrange an appointment
- If you are interested in a thesis, please check first here
Bitte in den DFN-Terminplaner eintragen

- During semesters: Tue. 15-16
- Between semesters: by appointment

Photo: Mirjam Steffensky
Sprechzeiten ab dem 2. April:
Di. 14:30-15:30 (bitte vorab via eMail anmelden)

Photo: privat
Office hours during the lecture period (14th of October until 31st of January 2025):
Tuesdays, 4 to 6 pm
(except on the 24th and the 31st of December 2024)
Participation is possible via zoom or in presence.
Please arrange appointments via e-mail: digi-bildung.ew@uni-hamburg.de
For e-mail communication with us, please use your UHH e-mail account exclusively.
Junior professors

Photo: privat
For the moment, I offer virtual appointments via Zoom. Please make an appointment using https://calendly.com/holger_schoneville-sprechstunde
If you cannot make an appointment during the offered time slots, please contact me via e-mail.

Photo: privat
by appointment (Registration via e-mail)
For e-mail communication with us, please use your UHH e-mail account exclusively.
Please write me an e-mail to arrange an appointment
Retired professors / with emeritus status

- by appointment
Research associates

- Consultation hours by appointment

- by arrangement

- Media and communication
- Migration
- Climate change
- Research project: Transnational families: Gender and Education

on appointment

Photo: Andreas Hedrich
during the lecture period by appointment (via e-mail)
- Medienbildung
- Medienkompetenzförderung
- aktive, praktische, handlungsorientierte Medienarbeit

No office hours until September 2024

Photo: Lilith Koch

Photo: UHH/Kreinsen
- AI Education / AI Literacy
- Data Literacy Education
- Students' Conceptions
- Computer Science for All

Photo: UHH, Nadler/Weber
Winter term 2024/25: Tuesdays from 4 - 6 p.m., Alsterterrasse 1 (R. 033)
Only after prior registration (at least 24 hours in advance)
January/February/March 2025
On 24.03. deviating Monday 15-17 o'clock.
If you have a more extensive request, please register for two consecutive time slots.

Photo: Alexander Nordt
by appointment

- Di 10-12 am & 4-6 pm by arrangement
- Partizipation via Zoom is possible if arranged.
- OERlab UHH
- Open Educational Ressources (OER) about Twin Transformation
- OER-Policies at universities
- Open Education and Self-regulated Learning
- The role of generative AI in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL)
- Teachers' future skills / competences
by appointment via e-mail

- by appointment, registration by mail
Dear students: for e-mail communication with us, please use your UHH e-mail account exclusively.

Photo: Aybike Savac

- By appointment
- Blogs and Wikis
- Digitale media in teaching
- Digitale charts (SmartBoards)—user training
- EduCommSy
- ePortfolio—advising, training, support
- eTutors
- Media didactics support
- Support and advising on project proposals / e-learning research funding
- Social media advising
- Digitalization of text
- Recording lectures

- By arrangement (contact preferably via email)

Photo: Anouk Ticheloven
- Project: MIKS

Photo: UHH/Weber
by appointment (via e-mail)
Participation is possible via zoom or in presence.

Photo: privat

Visiting scholars

Photo: privat
Technical, administrative and library staff
- Prof. Dr. Gabriele Ricken
- Prof. Dr. Iris Beck
- Prof. Dr. Sven Degenhardt

Photo: UHH, Christian Scholz
- By appointment
- Apple Macintosh
- iPads
- Projektraum 514a Technik
- Notebook-Center
- Web

- by appointment
- Digital teaching
- Digital media in teaching
- Digital charts
- Media didactics
- Media skills development for teacher training students
- Media pedagogy
- Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Remote Teaching

- Tuesday, Thursday 10-12 a.m. (office hours) and by arrangement
- Coordination of the Erasmus+ programme
- Advising and supporting incoming and outgoing students, lecturers and staff of the faculty in the Erasmus programme, coordination of Erasmus agreements.

- Currently unavailable.
- In urgent matters, please contact the Dean's office or the International office's mail addresses: international.ew@uni-hamburg.de, erasmus.ew@uni-hamburg.de
- Strategic issues concerning internationalisation
- Consultation on the application for third party funding for faculty members
- Guest lecturers and researchers, delegation visits

Photo: UHH/Scholz

Please send written papers by post to the postal address and additionally by email.
If you want to submit your final thesis, please contact the Academic and Examinations Office (StuP) or the Central Examination Office for Teacher Training (ZPLA).
- Assistant to Prof. Fürstenau
- Assistant to Prof. Lengyel
- Assistant to Prof. Retelsdorf
- Translation English-German, French-German
- Translation German-English
- Proofreading of academic papers (English)

Photo: UHH/ Scholz
- Appointments can be arranged via international.ew@uni-hamburg.de
- Coordination of student exchange within the faculty's exchange programs
- Guidance on other exchange programs and financial support programs
- Recognition of grades acquired during exchange programs
- Public Relations

- Elisa La is not available until further notice

- Mon: 9 am–5 pm (working from home)
- Tue: 9 am–5 pm (office Sedanstraße)
- Thu: 10 am–2 pm (working from home)

Photo: Benjamin Willers

- by appointment via email