News News6 March 2025|InternationalesProject launch for international cooperation against hate on the internetPhoto: UHH/LevinThe first online meeting on February 21 marked the official launch of this year's international DAAD project “Together Against Hate on the Internet: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Young People in...18 February 2025|InternationalesFirst Erasmus Staff Week at the Faculty of Education: Successful exchange on international teaching placementsPhoto: UHH/EWFrom February 10 to 13, 2025, the first Erasmus Staff Week took place at the Faculty of Education at Universität Hamburg. Under the title “Challenges and perspectives for international teaching internships”...8 November 2024|InternationalesErasmus Coordinators and Teaching Saff Visit the University of Hamburg: Insights Into Bilingual School Teaching and Exchange OpportunitiesPhoto: University of Hamburg/ErnazarovaFrom 8–10 October 2024, the International Office in the Faculty of Education of the University of Hamburg welcomed coordinators and teachers from Erasmus partner universities.30 October 2024|International OpportunitiesA Global Perspective on InclusionPhoto: University of Hamburg/DegenhardtDestination cooperation project: A study excursion at the junction of accessibility and visualization. Teaching STEM to students in Taiwan and Germany who are blind or have visual impairments.18 October 2024|InternationalesDelegationtrip to GhanaPhoto: DAAD/VOME StudioFrom October 2 to 8, 2024, Prof. Dr. Telse Iwers took part in a delegation trip to Ghana led by Katharina Fegebank, Senator for Science and Second Mayor of Hamburg. The delegation included representatives of...2 July 2024|InternationalesUniversity of Hamburg Welcomes Students from Ghana and the USA for the TTT Study CampPhoto: Fee Weber / UHHAt the Tricontinental Teacher Training at University of Hamburg, the emphasis on gaining international experience through exposure to cultural diversity, educational systems and commemoration culture remains a...30 May 2024|Internationales"But most importantly, today we use these languages differently from how we used them in the past."Photo: Larissa AroninWe spoke to Larissa Aronin - a DAAD professor at the Faculty of Education of University of Hamburg. She is based in Israel. Prof. Aronin was among the founding members of the International Association of...3 May 2024|InternationalesMulticultural Training for International Classroom SettingsPhoto: Rabia ÖrmengülVisit the Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) and be part of a multicultural training for classroom settings! This is an intesive program, from May 16th to May 22nd 2024.29 January 2024|InternationalesA full success! - The Next Generation Literacies ConferencePhoto: UHH, Wett/WeberOn 11-12 January 2024, more than 100 researchers and practitioners from around the world gathered in the Lichthof of the old state library in Hamburg to attend the conference “Social Participation in...13 December 2023|InternationalesInternationalization at home – Ghana Evening at the FacultyPhoto: UHH/IwersOn Nov. 28 the faculty offered students and employees the opportunity to learn more about the school system and teacher education in Ghana as well as about the ongoing cooperation between the UHH and the...12 December 2023|InternationalesInterview with guest lecturer Prof. Dandy George Dampson from GhanaPhoto: UHH/KunzeProf. Dampson from the University of Education in Winneba, Ghana teaches at the Faculty of Education this winter semester. His lectureship is part of an ongoing agreement between UEW and UHH. We spoke to him...17 November 2023|InternationalesResearch, Connections and a Change of PerspectivePhoto: CamposWe are happy to be able to speak to Mafalda Leal Campos, a PhD student and recipient of the WERA Visiting Researcher Award 2023 from Portugal. She is doing a 7-week research stay at Uni Hamburg including a LiDS...20 October 2023|InternationalesEInladung zum Austauschabend mit Jordanischen StudierendenStudentinnen der University of Jordan in Amman sind vom 22.10. - 03.11. zu Gast an der Universität Hamburg. Am 26.10.2023 von 18.00 - 20.00 Uhr möchten sie mit Ihnen in Raum 207 ins Gespräch kommen. Die...12 October 2023|InternationalesComparing and Contrasting two University SystemsPhoto: UHH/KunzeBashar Almazrawi is visiting the Faculty of Education on a Staff Exchange from the German Jordanian University from September 23rd to October 20th. He is an International Projects Coordinator handling the...27 September 2023|InternationalesConference at Universität Hamburg: Internationalization of Teacher EducationPhoto: UHH/WettTo do justice to cultural and linguistic diversity in the classroom, future teachers need to cultivate awareness and skills for diversity-sensitive lesson plans. At an international networking conference at the...Contribution from the university's newsroom7 August 2023|International“It is worthwhile for all colleagues to take the chance to spend some time working and researching abroad”Photo: Sara SantosAs part of her doctoral studies, Lisa Marie Brinkmann completed a 5-week research stay in Aveiro, Portugal, in the spring of 2023. Brinkmann is examining student motivation and engagement in portfolio work in...1 August 2023|InternationalesNew Cooperation with the Universidad de la Cuidad de Buenos Aires in ArgentinaPhoto: F. CameranoThe Faculty of Education, together with the Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science, has signed a new cooperation agreement with the Universidad de la Cuidad de Buenos Aires in Argentina. 27 July 2023|InternationalStudy Excursion in Pamplona: Dreams Essential to Re-Imagining Our School SystemsPhoto: UHH/ Wieder und AkçiçekAs part of the transnational project La escuela de mis sueños: una perspectiva crítica de los sistemas escolares y propuestas educativas de mejora (“The School of My Dreams: A Critical Perspective of School...26 June 2023|InternationalesPublication of Guiding Principles of Knowledge Exchange for the Faculty of EducationPhoto: UHH/ScholzKnowledge transfer? Yes please! But how, with whom and for what reason? In a participatory process, the Faculty of Education has developed guiding principles of knowledge exchange, which, in addition to a...21 June 2023|Internationales“We have set teacher education as a top issue”Photo: UHH/von WiedingWell-trained teachers are urgently sought. his means that many young people will need to decide to study education in the coming years. This interview discusses both the challenges of teacher education and the...Contribution from the university's newsroom14 June 2023|Internationales"I look forward to really immersing myself in the language and culture"Photo: UHH/Referat InternationalisierungJu-hui Wei is a PhD candidate at National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan. She received a scholarship from the DAAD/MOST SANDWICH SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME and will be staying at Universität Hamburg from mid-April...26 May 2023|InternationalOpening Event for the Tricontinental Teacher Training ProjectPhoto: UHH/TTTOn Tuesday, 23 May, the opening event for the Tricontinental Teacher Training Project took place. Forty students from Ghana, North Carolina, and Hamburg met with their host families, mentors, and teachers.22 May 2023|InternationalesNext Generation Literacies Virtual Summer SchoolPhoto: UHHApplications for this year's "Next Generation Literacies" virtual summer school program on Linguistic Diversity, Education and Social Participation are now open. 1 May 2023|Internationales"The level of focus and determination that the students had was impeccable"Photo: UHHDr. Julius Hanks from the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office at the School of Education of Indiana University Bloomington, USA, visited the Faculty of Education from April 17 to 19th as part of an ongoing...19 December 2022|InternationalesInterview Priscilla PrueterPhoto: Priscilla PrueterPriscilla Prueter studied Music at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal de Paraná in Brazil. She joined the Faculty of Education at Universität Hamburg in October 2022 and will be working towards her doctorate...4 October 2022|InternationalesNew Profile Partnership with University in GhanaPhoto: OER Africa/Wikipedia.orgUniversität Hamburg—University of Excellence fosters profile partnerships with universities all over the world. This year, the University of Education Winneba in Ghana joins the group, which includes 16...Contribution from the university's newsroom27 September 2022|International AffairsMy Digital Semester in JapanPhoto: Freepik/tawatchai07Two students studying teacher training report on their experiences in a virtual exchange with the Osaka University in Summer Semester 2022.26 August 2022|International Affairs“You’re One of Us Anyway”Photo: UHH/ImanuwartaThe International Office talks to Prof. Dr. Andreas Bonnet, Professor for English Language and Literature Education, who recently returned from a 3-month research stay at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. 5 August 2022|InternationalesAn Anti-Bias Approach to Diversity ContextsPhoto: @BildungsschnackIn the July episode of the Podcast Bildungsschnack, produced by the Faculty of Education at Universität Hamburg, Prof. Dr. MHEd Telse Iwers and Dr. Javier Carnicer talk about the DiCoT (Diversity Contexts in...8 July 2022|Internationales"The people at the Faculty are exceptional."Photo: UHH/privatThe International Office talked to Prof. Liesel Ebersöhn about her research. Coming from South Africa, Liesel Ebersöhn is a visiting scholar at the Faculty of Education from June to August.29 June 2022|InternationalesDoing the Research: Does experience abroad help you become a better teacher?Photo: Universität Hamburg / ScholzWhy should future teachers go abroad during their studies if they are going to teach at a German school afterwards? The Faculty of Education’s Tricontinental Teacher Training project answers these questions and...Contribution from the university's newsroom20 June 2022|Internationales"If you do not feel represented linguistically, you quickly lose the desire to participate in society."Photo: UHH/privatAs part of our interview series with visiting scholars, the International Office spoke with Prof. Ingrid Piller from Macquarie University.15 June 2022|International Affairs“I was especially happy that the internship strengthened my career resolve.”Photo: UHH/privatIn spring 2022, 14 bachelor’s students in teacher training programs completed an introductory internship at schools in Ghana and the United States; a student from the United States also came to Hamburg for a...31 May 2022|Internationales"We Are the Change" — Experiences from the Project Transnational Spaces for Intercultural Encounters in Spanish Teacher EducationPhoto: PrivatAs part of the project Transnational Spaces for Intercultural Encounters in Spanish Teacher Education: Raising Critical Cultural Awareness, a group of prospective Spanish teachers traveled to the United States.25 May 2022|InternationalesLooking back at the second conference of the "International im Lehramt" NetworkPhoto: UHH/ImanuwartaRepresentatives from different areas in teacher education in Hamburg met on Monday, 16 May 2022, for the second conference of the "International im Lehramt" network to exchange thoughts on diversity and share...16 May 2022|Internationales"I hope to initiate collaboration."Photo: Carole BlochInternational Office met with PRAESA Executive Director and Extraordinary Professor in Language Education at the University of the Western Cape Carole Bloch who is a guest at the faculty from April to June...30 April 2022|InternationalesInternational guests work shadow at a Hamburg schoolPhoto: UHH/ValentineAs part of a networking conference on the internationalization of teacher education that took place at Universität Hamburg at the end of March 2022, partner universities Indiana University Bloomington and...23 March 2022|InternationalesHow to internationalize teacher education in Hamburg?Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, MentzAgainst the backdrop of globalization and migration, future teachers will need to do justice to an educational environment composed of different cultures, languages, and educational backgrounds. From 22 to 25...11 February 2022|Internationales"At the moment, I couldn’t imagine a better place to live and work."Photo: UHH/ScholzInternational Office met with PRIME fellow Dr. Maria Lucenti who is researching the history of education in a comparative perspective.11 November 2021|Internationales"I am so happy to be here!"Photo: Leininger-Frézal(englisches) Interview mit Caroline Leininger-Frézal, die im Rahmen des VirtEx-Projektes für drei Wochen im Oktober/November an der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft war14 May 2021|Internationales"Only few locations can beat the perfect place of Alsterterrasse!"Photo: AtmacasoyAn interview with visiting scholar Abdullah Atmacasoy11 February 2021|Internationales"My experience has been beyond my expectations"Photo: AlloattiDr. Magali Alloatti war für 15 Monate Gastwissenschaftlerin an der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft im Team von Prof. Dr. Sara Fürstenau. Im untenstehenden Interview berichtet sie von ihren ursprünglichen...Show all news