Professional learning communities for preschool teachers to support their ability to use diagnostic information for instructional decisions
Duration 08/2021-07/2024
Funded by BMBF (Förderrichtlinie: „Förderbezogene Diagnostik in der inklusiven Bildung“) (FKZ: 01NV2110C)
ProfinK aims to support preschool teachers in implementing science- and environmental education in preschool for children with different learning requirements with regard to their science knowledge, language and self-regulation abilities. The focus lays on the use of diagnostic information to improve individual learning processes. This is a challenging process for preschool teachers. In the project, preschool teachers work together in professional learning communities on these topics. Thereby, they use and further develop an e-portfolio to assess and document the children's developments. Based on this diagnostic information preschool teachers derive instructional decisions to foster the children adaptively.
Project Team
Prof. Dr. Mirjam Steffensky, Katharina Junge, Ada Haen Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Ilonca Hardy, Sina Koschick, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Henrik Saalbach, Dr. Anika Bürgermeister, Alexander Prasser, Universität Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Miriam Leuchter, Dr. Laura Venitz, Universität Koblenz-Landau