Current projects:
Kokon is a project network within the competence network learning:digital "Kokon regards digital school development as a multidimensional process focused on personnel, teaching and organizational development as well as digital management. Teacher cooperation is seen as a key element for a successful process implementation. DigCompEdu acts as a uniform reference framework for Kokon. The observation tool DigCompEduObserve and collaboration scenarios in DigCompEduCollaborate support co-constructive processes of personnel, teaching and organizational development at general secondary schools as well as at vocational schools in various subjects. All project tools, materials and research results are made freely accessible via the platform." (
Kokon sub-project 2 is located within the working group digital education and is responsible for the development of the collaboration tool DigCompEduCollaborate. This involves providing structural assistance in peer feedback mechanisms and support measures to promote collaborative problem solving that in turn can be linked content-wise to the observation categories of DigCompEduObserve developed in other sub-projects.
The research focus lies initially in identifying any need for support within the collaboration in order to find and implement suitable means of support (e.g. a collaboration script) via the platform.
Another focus involves further developing the digital cooperation tools for organizational and school development purposes and, in addition to offering structural assistance aids, specifically promoting skills for digital cooperation in schools.
Further areas of research include the following topics:
- Teaching and acquiring digital skills (digital literacy) in educational contexts
- Development of technology-supported learning environments for specialist and interdisciplinary content
- Promotion of social processes in digital cooperation and communication formats
- Learning through problem solving with the help of computational thinking, (scientific) argumentation and cooperative dialogue
- Conditions and consequences of digital transformation processes for education