LiDS After-Work Lecture & Drinks with Prof. Liesel Ebersöhn on 13 July! - CANCELLED!
4. Juli 2022

Foto: Ebersöhn
South Africa is a postcolonial society transforming away from inequality towards a good life for most people. One would expect multiple negative outcomes. Yet,everywhere one looks you see evidence of people adapting to extreme challenges in innovative and resourceful ways to support better-than-expected outcomes.
Prof. Ebersöhn will share insights on how a reading-for-joy intervention with 6-9 year oldpupils in remote schools in South Africa may be one such resilience-enabling pathway. In this school-based intervention study children show sociocultural and literacy agency by co-generating storybooks with community volunteers and teachers.
For more information, please look at our poster.
The lecture will take place on Wednesday 13 July, 17:30 at VMP 8, Room 424.
Register now! Write an Email to sekgogolin"AT"