Dr. Britta Lübke
Photo: UHH, Nadler/Weber
Postdoctoral researcher
Biology Education
Office hours
Winter term 2024/25: Tuesdays from 4 - 6 p.m., Alsterterrasse 1 (R. 033)
Only after prior registration (at least 24 hours in advance)
January/February 2025
If you have a more extensive request, please register for two consecutive time slots.
Research and work focus
- Disciplinary cultures and practices in learning science in school
- Dealing with uncertainty in biology claasrooms
- Nature of Science
- Educational theory
- Out-of-school learning
Ongoing projects
1. Co-Coordination of the faculty research focus "Uncertainty as a dimension of pedagogical action" (since 2019)
Uncertainty has become an important term in terms of social and contemporary diagnostics of society. On the one hand, it refers to the increasing risks that are unfolding in various fields of social action and in different forms, and which threaten the very core of Western democracies under the heading of 'post-factual populism'. On the other hand, this results in the search for an adequate way of dealing with uncertainties. For educational science, this means thinking about
- how the conditions for education and learning have shifted in the face of current social developments with a focus on increased uncertainties,
- which manifestations of uncertainty in education and learning become visible by examining (subject) teaching more closely from the perspective of pupils and teachers,
- what consequences can be derived from this for the school as an organization and
- what consequences this has for the professionalization of teachers so that they are prepared to deal with the constitutive and increased uncertainties.
The faculty's research focus on uncertainty as a dimension of pedagogical action aims to span, bundle and relate these different perspectives. The subprojects focussing on biology education are cirrently investigating the role of complexity as well the the concept of inquiry based learning for the for the occurrence and handling of uncertainty in biology lessons.
Homepage of the research group
Selected publications in the field of biology education:
Lübke, B. (2023). Uncertainty in biology classrooms: a matter of disciplinary culture?. Teachers and Teaching. https://doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2023.2271418
Lübke, B. & Heuckmann, B. (2024). Umgang mit Ungewissheit als Charakteristikum von Nature of Science – Eine Begriffsbestimmung und Konzeptionalisierung für die Integration in Lehr-Lernkonzepte [Dealing with uncertainty as a characteristic of Nature of Science - A definition and conceptualization for integration into teaching-learning concepts]. In B. Reinisch, D. Krüger, & D. Mahler (Eds.), Biologiedidaktische Nature of Science-Forschung: Zukunftsweisende Praxis (pp. 59-70). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-68409-2_6
Heuckmann, B., & Lübke, B. (2024). Mit Simulationen im Biologieunterricht das Verständnis von Nature of Science reflektieren und fördern – Potentiale von Computersimulationen zum Umgang mit Ungewissheit [Reflecting and promoting the understanding of Nature of Science with simulations in biology lessons - Potentials of computer simulations for dealing with uncertainty]. In B. Reinisch, D. Krüger, & D. Mahler (Eds.), Biologiedidaktische Nature of Science-Forschung: Zukunftsweisende Praxis (pp. 70-83). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-68409-2_7
Schwanewedel, J., Lübke, B., & Ohlhoff, D. (2023). Ungewissheit und Biologie!? Ungewissheit als Wesensmerkmal der Biologie denken lernen [Uncertainty and biology? Learning to think uncertainty as an essential feature of biology]. Unterricht Biologie, 487, 2-9. https://www.friedrich-verlag.de/shop/ungewissheit-53487
2. Urban Gardening on UHH Campus - A Theoretical and Practical Contribution to the social discourse on the importance of urban nature and community education for sustainable developmentity gardens in public spaces
PIs: Britta Lübke & Dörthe Ohlhoff
Duration: 01/04/2024 - 30/09/2025
Funded by: Lehrlabor Lehrkräfteprofessionalisierung (L3Prof 2.0) and Claussen-Simon-Stiftung
In this project, the concept of nature is approached in a contextual and constructivist manner. It becomes clear that a clear definition of an ahistorical and non-societal nature is not possible. For this reason, we will also look at the cultural and social history of concepts of nature. By drawing on feminist, epistemological, scientific, aesthetic, socio-political and economic perspectives on urban nature in general and urban gardening in particular, the complexity of the concept of nature will become clear. Reflecting on the concept of nature helps us to derive the current relationship to nature in its social complexity and to think about future ways of dealing with nature in terms of ESD: What is the overall social and ecological significance of nature in cities? Who is allowed to use it? And how? And what does this mean for the practical work of urban gardening?
On a structural level, the project aims to expand, further develop and consolidate a joint biology education course on urban gardening in cooperation with the ASTA of the University of Hamburg, the Green Office of the University of Hamburg, the Sustainability Office and the Biodiversity Lab of the University. The aim is to offer this course every semester in the future and thus ensure continuous support for the urban gardening area “Wurzelwerk” opposite the VMP8. This continuity should contribute to the Wurzelwerk becoming a participatory place that both contributes to the preservation of biodiversity in the city and is a place of encounter that becomes a space for social and political negotiation processes with regard to a future worth living together. In addition to the subject-specific qualification objectives, the project pursues the substantive goal of introducing students to extracurricular activities at the university and thus making the social and political elements of ESD tangible. Through its cooperation with the ASTA, the Green Office, the Sustainability Office and the Biodiversity Lab, the seminar acts as a door opener for student engagement in the context of ESD. The aim is to sensitize students to the importance of social commitment and to support them in making an active contribution to shaping ecological and social coexistence. The opening of the seminar in the Studium Generale supports students in looking beyond their own horizons (and degree program) and understanding ESD as a task for society as a whole. In addition, the seminar offers concrete assistance for students to become actively involved in shaping the university and to think about self-managed spaces together with the goals of ESD and to transfer them to the school context (e.g. natural schoolyards).
Student assistants: Merle Rieckmann and Kristin Krieger
Insights into the project: Interview with Brita Lübke and Dörthe Ohlhoff, short reports from the project, video about the seed bomb vending machine & article in the Abendblatt
3. 3D@NaW-IN: Use of 3D printing models in subject lessons in inclusive learning settings at the extracurricular learning location LI Zoo School in Hagenbeck Zoo
PIs: Britta Lübke & Marie-Luise Schütt
Duration: 01/04/2023 - 30/06/2024
Funded by: Lehrlabor Lehrerprofessionalisierung (L3Prof)
Models and the practice of modeling are central elements of science teaching (Upmeier zu Belzen & Krüger 2019). Especially in inclusive learning settings, tactile models are also of great importance to enable learning processes for all students (Hall, Meyer & Rose, 2012). However, there is often still a lack of three-dimensional models that can be used in inclusive lessons. In recent years, the possibilities of 3D printing have simplified considerably (lower costs, increased options for implementing 3D printing...) (Meier et al., 2022). 3D printing can be used to produce models for science subjects. However, student teachers (and also teachers) are not/hardly familiar with the possibilities of 3D models and 3D printing techniques and lack practical school experience. In close cooperation with practice partners from the Hagenbeck Zoo/LI Zoo School, this project and the associated course will test possible applications and methodological-didactic tips on 3D models at the extracurricular learning location LI Zoo School. The knowledge is to be sustainably secured by a film to be jointly produced by students and made freely available to prospective and experienced teachers and lecturers, so that the findings can be reused and transferred into practice.
Courses linked to the project: 3D@NaW-IN: Einsatz von 3D-Druck-Modellen im Fachunterricht inklusiver Lernsettings am außerschulischen Lernort LI-Zooschule im Tierpark Hagenbeck (SoSe 2023)
Completed projects
1. When uncertainty irritates - a grounded theory study on disciplinary culture in biology classrooms (dissertation)
Following on from previous research on the approach of everyday myths this work is the first to focus on the process level of reflection in biology lessons. Particular attention is paid to the occurrence and processing of moments of disruption when reflecting on one's own everyday myths, as both have been shown in the study by Oschatz (2011) to be significant for the sustainable acquisition of knowledge and the formation of more mature epistemic convictions. The work is also theoretically based on the educational theory considerations of Combe and Gebhard (2012), who interpret disruption as a fruitful crisis experience that does not overwhelm the students, but rather encourages them to open up new spaces of experience. A second theoretical frame of reference is provided by the theory of transformational educational processes, which also assumes an experience of crisis as the starting point for educational processes (cf. Koller 2012). The questions about the occurrence and ways of dealing with disruption as well as a possible educational potential were approached methodically from several perspectives using video and audio recordings of a six-week teaching unit in two eleventh grade classes on the topic of genetic engineering, the written documents of the students and accompanying weekly interviews. The evaluation is based on grounded theory (Strauss & Corbin 1996).
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gebhard
Selected publications:
Lübke, B. (2021). Biologieunterricht zwischen Gewissheit und Ungewissheit. Eine Grounded-Theory-Studie zur Fachkultur [Biology education between certainty and uncertainty. A grounded theory study on disciplinary culture]. Springer VS.
Lübke, B. & Gebhard, U. (2016c). Irritation als Bildungspotential? Zwei Fallstudien zur Reflexion von Alltagsphantasien im Biologieunterricht. [Disruption as educational potential? Two case studies on reflecting everyday myths in biology classrooms]. Erkenntnisweg Biologiedidaktik, 15, 9-24.
Lübke, B. & Gebhard, U. (2016b). Nachdenklichkeit als Element von Bewertungskompetenz? Fallstudien zur Reflexion von Alltagsphantasien im Biologieunterricht [Reflection as an element of bioethical decision making competence? Case studies on reflecting on everyday myths in biology classrooms]. In J. Menthe, D. Höttecke, T. Zabka, M. Hammann & M. Rothgangel (Eds.), Befähigung zu gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe. Beiträge der fachdidaktischen Forschung (pp. 119-130) [Empowering social participation. Contributions of subject matter education research]. Waxmann.
Lübke, B. & Gebhard, U. (2016a). Nachdenklichkeit im Biologieunterricht. Irritation als Bildungsanlass? [Thoughtfulness in biology education. Disruption as an educational stimulus?] In U. Gebhard & M. Hammann (Eds.), Lehr- und Lernforschung in der Biologiedidaktik (pp. 23-38). [Teaching and learning research in biology education]. Studienverlag.
2. Disruption and irritation as chance for subject-matter education
Educational research in the subject context of biology, English, art, sport and theater: interdisciplinary research network at the University of Hamburg
PIs: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Bähr, Prof. Dr. Andreas Bonnet, Dr. Elisabeth Bracker de Ponte, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gebhard, Prof. Dr. Claus Krieger, Britta Lübke; Malte Pfeiffer, Tobias Regenbrecht, Prof. Dr. Andrea Sabisch, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sting
Duration: 2012 - 2019
Selected publications:
Bähr, I., Gebhard, U., Krieger, C., Lübke, B., Pfeiffer, M., Regenbrecht, T., Sabisch, A., & Sting, W. (2019). Irritation im Fachunterricht. Didaktische Wendungen der Theorie transformatorischer Bildungsprozesse [Disruption in subject teaching. Education twists on the theory of transformational educational processes]. In I. Bähr, U. Gebhard, C. Krieger, B. Lübke, M. Pfeiffer, T. Regenbrecht, A. Sabisch & W. Sting (Eds.), Irritation als Chance – Bildung fachdidaktisch denken [Disruption as an opportunity - rethinking subject-matter education] (pp. 3-39). Springer VS.
Lübke, B., Bähr, I., Gebhard, U., Krieger, C., Pfeiffer, M., Regenbrecht, T., Sabisch, A., & Sting, W. (2019). Zur empirischen Erforschbarkeit von Irritationen im Fachunterricht – Forschungsstand und method(olog)ische Überlegungen [On the empirical explorability of disruption in subject teaching - State of research and method(olog)ic considerations]. In I. Bähr, U. Gebhard, C. Krieger, B. Lübke, M. Pfeiffer, T. Regenbrecht, A. Sabisch & W. Sting (Eds.), Irritation als Chance – Bildung fachdidaktisch denken [Disruption as an opportunity - rethinking subject-matter education] (pp. 177-219). Springer VS.
Gebhard, U., Lübke, B., Pfeiffer, M. & Sting, W. (2017). Die Fremdheit der Schweine. Eine Fallstudie zum Wechselspiel von ästhetischer und diskursiver Praxis im Kontext kultureller Bildung [The strangeness of pigs. A case study on the interplay of aesthetic and discursive practice in the context of cultural education]. In S. Konietzko, S. Kuschel, V. Reinwand-Weiss (Eds.), Von Mythen zu Erkenntnissen? Empirische Forschung in der Kulturellen Bildung [From myths to insights? Empirical research in arts education] (pp. 95-111). Kopaed.
Bähr, I., Bechthold, A., Gebhard, U., Krieger, C., Lübke, B., Pfeiffer, M., Sabisch, A. & Sting, W. (2016). Ungewissheit und Irritation im Bildungsprozess. Didaktische Forschungen im Fachkontext von Biologie, Theater, Kunst und Sport [Uncertainty and disruption in the educational process. Educational research in the subject contexts of biology, drama, art, and sport]. In J. Menthe, D. Höttecke, T. Zabka, M. Hammann & M. Rothgangel (Eds.), Befähigung zu gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe. Beiträge der fachdidaktischen Forschung (pp. 41-68) [Empowering social participation. Contributions of subject matter education research]. Waxmann.
3. "Professional teachers´ actions to promote subject-based learning under changing social conditions" (ProfaLe)
Teaching and research in key area 2 (linguistic-cultural heterogeneity) with a focus on biology teaching and biology teachers; cooperation with the school internships I and II of the subject biology with a focus on the competence area of communication in heterogeneous learning groups.
Funding: Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung (teacher education quality campaign) run by the German federal government and the German states using funds from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Duration: 2016-2018
4. Research-based learning on heterogeneous learning groups at the extracurricular learning location zoo and zoo school. A cooperation project between HF2 and HF3
PIs: Britta Lübke & Dr. Marie-Luise Schütt
Development and implementation of a research workshop in the teacher training course (Master of Education). Together with 21 students and in cooperation with the LI Zoo School at Hagenbeck and Hagenbeck Zoo, research was conducted into teaching and learning with heterogeneous learning groups at this specific extracurricular learning location. The students' research-based learning was in turn examined in an accompanying interview study from the perspective of teacher professionalization. The results of the project have been published in a joint book publication: Lübke, B. & M.-L- Schütt (eds.) (2019). Teaching and learning with heterogeneous learning groups at extracurricular learning venues. Norderstedt: BoD.
Funding: Teaching laboratory for teacher professionalization (L3Prof)
Duration: 2017-2018
Selected publications:
Schütt, M.-L. & Lübke, B. (2023). Forschen am außerschulischen Lernort Tierpark/LI-Zooschule als Beitrag zur Professionalisierung von angehenden Lehrer:innen für einen inklusiven Biologieunterricht [Research at the extracurricular learning site zoo/LI zoo school as a contribution to the professionalization of prospective teachers for inclusive biology teaching]. In M. Busker, B. Peuker, H. Rautenstrauch & J. Winkel (Eds.), Forschendes Lernen in der Universität. Ein fach- und fachrichtungsbezogener Blick auf die Lehrkräftebildung (pp. 90-100) [Research-based learning at the university. A subject- and discipline-based look at teacher education]. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
Michailidis, C., Lübke, B., & Schütt, M.-L. (2019). Forschendes Lernen als Weg zur Professionalisierung für Lehramtsstudent_innen?! [Inquiry-based learning as a path to professionalization for student teachers?!] In B. Lübke & M.-L. Schütt (Eds.), Lehren und Lernen mit heterogenen Lerngruppen am außerschulischen Lernort. Ergebnisse einer Forschungswerkstatt im Lehramtsstudium an der Universität Hamburg (pp. 29-40) [Teaching and learning with heterogeneous learning groups at the out-of-school learning site. Results of a course in teacher education at the University of Hamburg]. BoD.
Lübke, B. & Schütt, M.-L. (2018). Außerschulische Lernorte – ein Lernort für Alle!? Forschendes Lernen als Konzept zur Professionalisierung angehender Lehrkräfte in inklusiven Lehr- und Lernsettings [Extracurricular learning sites - a learning site for all!? Inquiry-based learning as a concept for professionalizing prospective teachers in inclusive teaching and learning settings]. In D. Brovelli, K. Fuchs, A. Rempfler & B. Sommer Häller (Eds.), Aneignungspraktiken an außerschulischen Lernorten (pp. 183-190) [Appropriation practices in out-of-school learning sites]. LIT.
5. Performative work in subject teaching - a cooperation project between biology education, theater pedagogy and extracurricular places of learning
PIs: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gebhard, Britta Lübke, Malte Pfeiffer, Dörthe Ohlhoff & Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sting
Performative acts play a productive role in art, but also in many everyday situations. In school learning and educational contexts, however, the educattional potential of the performative remains largely untapped. However, play, action and staging open up other subject-related forms of learning. The book created in the project presents projects and teaching concepts that test and demonstrate a combination of theatrical-scenic and content-related approaches to (natural) scientific topics such as animal ethics, climate, water and sustainability.
Duration: 2012 - 2018
Selected publications:
Gebhard, U., Lübke, B., Ohlhoff, D., Pfeiffer, M. & Sting, W. (2019) (Eds.), Natur – Wissenschaft – Theater. Performatives Arbeiten im Fachunterricht [Nature - science – theatre. Performative work in subject teaching]. Beltz Juventa.
Gebhard, U., Lübke, B., Ohlhoff, D., Pfeiffer, M., & Sting, W. (2019). Performatives Arbeiten im Fachunterricht. Theoretisch-konzeptionelle Überlegungen am Beispiel des Biologie- und Theaterunterrichts [Performative work in subject teaching. Theoretical-conceptual considerations using the example of biology and drama teaching]. In U. Gebhard, B. Lübke, D. Ohlhoff, M. Pfeiffer & W. Sting (Eds.), Natur – Wissenschaft – Theater. Performatives Arbeiten im Fachunterricht (pp. 9-30) [Nature - science – theatre. Performative work in subject teaching]. Beltz Juventa.
Conference papers
Selected conference contributions (in English)
07/2024 | „Making sense of uncertainty in biology education: Issues of trust, tentativeness and complexity“ Symposium together with Benedikt Heuckmann and Marcus Hammann (both University of Münster), 14th Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology/ERIDOB, Lyon, France |
08/23 | “But Biology is About Facts…” – Is Handling Uncertainty in Biology Class a Matter of Disciplinary Culture?", ECER 2023, University of Glasgow, UK |
07/2022 |
“Uncertainty as NOS-Facet?”, IHPST Conference 2022 (International History and Philosophy of Science Teaching Group), University of Calgary, Canada |
09/2021 |
"Uncertainty and the Theory of Transformative Bildung" together with Lori Edmonds (University of North Carolina) within the symposium "Articulating Different Conceptualizations of Uncertainty and the Implications for Teaching and Learning in an Uncertain World", ECER 2021, Geneva |
09/2019 |
"Uncertainty in the Context of Subject Matters" together with Ingrid Bähr, Andreas Bonnet, Kerstin Michalik und Sandra Sprengerwithin the symposium "Uncertainty as Chance for Learning Processes in the Context of ‘Bildung’" ECER 2019: 'Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future' der European Educational Research Association, University of Hamburg, Germany |
07/2018 |
"Thoughtful Teachers, Thoughtful Moments, Thoughtful Students? A Critical Reflection on the Culture of Learning in Biology Classes and Biology Teacher Training" together with Arne Dittmer (University of Regensburg) within the symposium "Thoughtfulness in Biology Education", XII Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology/ERIDOP, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain |
08/2017 | "About the necessity of irritation in biology class: Case studies about decision-making", 12th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Dublin City University, Ireland |
05/2017 | "Of course we are all against genetic engineering…” Why thoughtfulness needs irritation. Presentation within the seminar: ‘Thoughtfulness’ in Biology Education, UCL – Institute of Education, London, UK |
09/2016 | "Does thoughtfulness need irritation? Case studies about decision-making in biology class“ within the symposium „Fostering a Philosophical Stance toward Science: Thoughtfulness and Creativity in the Biology Classroom“, Eleventh Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOP), Karlstad/Sweden |
08/2016 | "Thinking about everyday myths. Case studies in biology class", 1st European Regional IHPST Conference, University of Flensburg, Germany |
Hanke, M., & Lübke. B. (accepted). Klimabildung in der VUCA-Welt: Mit Ungewissheiten und Unsicherheiten umgehen (lernen) [ Climate education in the VUCA world: learning to deal with uncertainties and insecurities]. In D. Höttecke, S. Heinicke, H. Martens, A. Nehring, T. Rabe (Eds.), Handbuch Klimabildung [Handbook of climate education]. Springer.**
Bähr, I., Bonnet, A., Bracker da Ponte, E., Gebhard, U., Krieger, C., Lübke, B., & Sting, W. (2024). Uncertainty in subject matter education—Constitutive element and fruitful instructional strategy? Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung. https://doi.org/10.1007/s35834-024-00436-7 **
Lübke, B. & Heuckmann, B. (2024). Umgang mit Ungewissheit als Charakteristikum von Nature of Science – Eine Begriffsbestimmung und Konzeptionalisierung für die Integration in Lehr-Lernkonzepte [Dealing with uncertainty as a characteristic of Nature of Science - A definition and conceptualization for integration into teaching-learning concepts]. In B. Reinisch, D. Krüger, & D. Mahler (Eds.), Biologiedidaktische Nature of Science-Forschung: Zukunftsweisende Praxis (pp.59-70) . Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-68409-2_6 **
Heuckmann, B., & Lübke, B. (2024). Mit Simulationen im Biologieunterricht das Verständnis von Nature of Science reflektieren und fördern – Potentiale von Computersimulationen zum Umgang mit Ungewissheit [Reflecting and promoting the understanding of Nature of Science with simulations in biology lessons - Potentials of computer simulations for dealing with uncertainty]. In B. Reinisch, D. Krüger, & D. Mahler (Eds.), Biologiedidaktische Nature of Science-Forschung: Zukunftsweisende Praxis (pp. 71-83). Springer.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-68409-2_7 **
Lübke, B. (2023). Uncertainty in biology classrooms: a matter of disciplinary culture?. Teachers and Teaching. https://doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2023.2271418 **
Schwanewedel, J., Lübke, B., & Ohlhoff, D. (2023). Ungewissheit und Biologie!? Ungewissheit als Wesensmerkmal der Biologie denken lernen [Uncertainty and biology? Learning to think uncertainty as an essential feature of biology]. Unterricht Biologie, 487, 2-9. https://www.friedrich-verlag.de/shop/ungewissheit-53487
Lübke, B. (2023). Rezension zu Fuhrmann, L. (2022). Hausaufgaben im Unterricht. Ethnographie eines schulischen Entgrenzungsphänomens, Klinkhardt. 272 S. [Review of Fuhrmann, L. (2022). Homework in the classroom. Ethnography of a phenomenon of school delimitation]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften [Swiss Journal of Educational Sciences], 45(2), 222-223. https://doi.org/10.24452/sjer.45.2.13
Schütt, M.-L. & Lübke, B. (2023). Forschen am außerschulischen Lernort Tierpark/LI-Zooschule als Beitrag zur Professionalisierung von angehenden Lehrer:innen für einen inklusiven Biologieunterricht [Research at the extracurricular learning site zoo/LI zoo school as a contribution to the professionalization of prospective teachers for inclusive biology teaching]. In M. Busker, B. Peuker, H. Rautenstrauch & J. Winkel (Eds.), Forschendes Lernen in der Universität. Ein fach- und fachrichtungsbezogener Blick auf die Lehrkräftebildung (pp. 90-100) [Research-based learning at the university. A subject- and discipline-based look at teacher education]. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.*
Lübke, B. (2021). Biologieunterricht zwischen Gewissheit und Ungewissheit. Eine Grounded-Theory-Studie zur Fachkultur [Biology education between certainty and uncertainty. A grounded theory study on disciplinary culture]. Springer VS.
Mai, P. C. & Lübke, B. (2020). HAMONIM – Was die Masse bewegt. Was kann eine Tanzproduktion bewegen? [HAMONIM - What moves the masses. What can move a dance production? ] In M. Bischof & F. Lampert (Eds.), Sinn und Sinne im Tanz. Perspektiven aus Kunst und Wissenschaft. Jahrbuch TanzForschung (pp. 289-298) [Sense and senses in dance. Perspectives from art and science]. transkript.*
Gebhard, U., Lübke, B., Ohlhoff, D., Pfeiffer, M., & Sting, W. (2019). Performatives Arbeiten im Fachunterricht. Theoretisch-konzeptionelle Überlegungen am Beispiel des Biologie- und Theaterunterrichts [Performative work in subject teaching. Theoretical-conceptual considerations using the example of biology and drama teaching]. In U. Gebhard, B. Lübke, D. Ohlhoff, M. Pfeiffer & W. Sting (Eds.), Natur – Wissenschaft – Theater. Performatives Arbeiten im Fachunterricht (pp. 9-30) [Nature - science – theatre. Performative work in subject teaching]. Beltz Juventa.
Gebhard, U., Lübke, B., Pfeiffer, M., Sting, W., & Zurek, C. (2019). Schweine-Theater. Theater und Biologie am außerschulischen Lernort Biobauernhof [Pig theater. Theater and biology at the extracurricular learning location organic farm]. In U. Gebhard, B. Lübke, D. Ohlhoff, M. Pfeiffer & W. Sting (Eds.), Natur – Wissenschaft – Theater. Performatives Arbeiten im Fachunterricht (pp. 31-56) [Nature - science – theatre. Performative work in subject teaching]. Beltz Juventa.
Michailidis, C., Lübke, B., & Schütt, M.-L. (2019). Forschendes Lernen als Weg zur Professionalisierung für Lehramtsstudent_innen?! [Inquiry-based learning as a path to professionalization for student teachers?!] In B. Lübke & M.-L. Schütt (Eds.), Lehren und Lernen mit heterogenen Lerngruppen am außerschulischen Lernort. Ergebnisse einer Forschungswerkstatt im Lehramtsstudium an der Universität Hamburg (pp. 29-40) [Teaching and learning with heterogeneous learning groups at the out-of-school learning site. Results of a course in teacher education at the University of Hamburg]. BoD. *
Lübke, B., Bähr, I., Gebhard, U., Krieger, C., Pfeiffer, M., Regenbrecht, T., Sabisch, A., & Sting, W. (2019). Zur empirischen Erforschbarkeit von Irritationen im Fachunterricht – Forschungsstand und method(olog)ische Überlegungen [On the empirical explorability of disruption in subject teaching - State of research and method(olog)ic considerations]. In I. Bähr, U. Gebhard, C. Krieger, B. Lübke, M. Pfeiffer, T. Regenbrecht, A. Sabisch & W. Sting (Eds.), Irritation als Chance – Bildung fachdidaktisch denken [Disruption as an opportunity - rethinking subject-matter education] (pp. 177-219). Springer VS. *
Gebhard, U., Lübke, B., Pfeiffer, M., & Sting, W. (2019). Antworten auf Irritationsmomente im Biologie- und Theaterunterricht [Answers to moments of irritation in biology and theater lessons] In I. Bähr, U. Gebhard, C. Krieger, B. Lübke, M. Pfeiffer, T. Regenbrecht, A. Sabisch & W. Sting (Eds.), Irritation als Chance – Bildung fachdidaktisch denken [Disruption as an opportunity - rethinking subject-matter education](pp. 221-258). Springer VS. *
Bähr, I., Gebhard, U., Krieger, C., Lübke, B., Pfeiffer, M., Regenbrecht, T., Sabisch, A., & Sting, W. (2019). Irritation im Fachunterricht. Didaktische Wendungen der Theorie transformatorischer Bildungsprozesse [Disruption in subject teaching. Education twists on the theory of transformational educational processes]. In I. Bähr, U. Gebhard, C. Krieger, B. Lübke, M. Pfeiffer, T. Regenbrecht, A. Sabisch & W. Sting (Eds.), Irritation als Chance – Bildung fachdidaktisch denken [Disruption as an opportunity - rethinking subject-matter education] (pp. 3-39). Springer VS. *
Lübke, B. & Schütt, M.-L. (2018). Außerschulische Lernorte – ein Lernort für Alle!? Forschendes Lernen als Konzept zur Professionalisierung angehender Lehrkräfte in inklusiven Lehr- und Lernsettings [Extracurricular learning sites - a learning site for all!? Inquiry-based learning as a concept for professionalizing prospective teachers in inclusive teaching and learning settings]. In D. Brovelli, K. Fuchs, A. Rempfler & B. Sommer Häller (Eds.), Aneignungspraktiken an außerschulischen Lernorten (pp. 183-190) [Appropriation practices in out-of-school learning sites]. LIT. **
Gebhard, U., Lübke, B., Pfeiffer, M. & Sting, W. (2017). Die Fremdheit der Schweine. Eine Fallstudie zum Wechselspiel von ästhetischer und diskursiver Praxis im Kontext kultureller Bildung [The strangeness of pigs. A case study on the interplay of aesthetic and discursive practice in the context of cultural education]. In S. Konietzko, S. Kuschel, V. Reinwand-Weiss (Eds.), Von Mythen zu Erkenntnissen? Empirische Forschung in der Kulturellen Bildung [From myths to insights? Empirical research in arts education] (pp. 95-111). Kopaed. **
Lübke, B. & Gebhard, U. (2016c). Irritation als Bildungspotential? Zwei Fallstudien zur Reflexion von Alltagsphantasien im Biologieunterricht. [Disruption as educational potential? Two case studies on reflecting everyday myths in biology classrooms]. Erkenntnisweg Biologiedidaktik, 15, 9-24. **
Lübke, B. & Gebhard, U. (2016b). Nachdenklichkeit als Element von Bewertungskompetenz? Fallstudien zur Reflexion von Alltagsphantasien im Biologieunterricht [Reflection as an element of bioethical decision making competence? Case studies on reflecting on everyday myths in biology classrooms]. In J. Menthe, D. Höttecke, T. Zabka, M. Hammann & M. Rothgangel (Eds.), Befähigung zu gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe. Beiträge der fachdidaktischen Forschung (pp. 119-130) [Empowering social participation. Contributions of subject matter education research]. Waxmann. **
Lübke, B. & Gebhard, U. (2016a). Nachdenklichkeit im Biologieunterricht. Irritation als Bildungsanlass? [Thoughtfulness in biology education. Disruption as an educational stimulus?] In U. Gebhard & M. Hammann (Eds.), Lehr- und Lernforschung in der Biologiedidaktik (pp. 23-38). [Teaching and learning research in biology education]. Studienverlag. **
Bähr, I., Bechthold, A., Gebhard, U., Krieger, C., Lübke, B., Pfeiffer, M., Sabisch, A. & Sting, W. (2016). Ungewissheit und Irritation im Bildungsprozess. Didaktische Forschungen im Fachkontext von Biologie, Theater, Kunst und Sport [Uncertainty and disruption in the educational process. Educational research in the subject contexts of biology, drama, art, and sport]. In J. Menthe, D. Höttecke, T. Zabka, M. Hammann & M. Rothgangel (Eds.), Befähigung zu gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe. Beiträge der fachdidaktischen Forschung (pp. 41-68) [Empowering social participation. Contributions of subject matter education research]. Waxmann. **
Lohmann, I., Begemann, B., Böttcher, J., Claas, M., Dittmann, L., Hölscher, T., Johannsen, L., Lorenz, L. A., Lübke, B., Scholz, H., Stolley, M., Vogler, F., & Zeller, J. S. (2013). Wie die Türken in unsere Köpfe kamen. Das Türkei-Bild in der deutschen Pädagogik zwischen 1820 und 1930 [How the Turks got into our heads. The image of Turkey in German education between 1820 and 1930]. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft [Journal for Educational Science], 16(4), 751-772. **
**: Blinded peer-review
*: Quality management by editors
Curriculum vitae
10/2023 - 03/2024 | Substitute Professorship for Biology Education, University of Kassel |
since 01/2022 | Postdoctoral researcher, Faculty of Education, Biology Education, University of Hamburg |
since 12/2019 | Scientific consulting and accompanying research of the contemporary dance productions of choreographer Patricia Carolin Mai |
06/2021 - 12/2021 | Research associate, Faculty of Education, BmBF project "Leitung macht Schule" (LemaS), University of Hamburg |
11/2019 - 09/2023 |
Research associate, Faculty of Education, Coordination of the faculty research focus "Uncertainty as a dimension of pedagogical action", University of Hamburg |
04/2014 - 06/2021 |
Doctorate in biology education "When uncertainty irritates - a grounded theory study on the disciplinary culture in biology classrooms", Faculty of Education, University of Hamburg |
10/2014 - 03/2022 |
Lecturer in biology education (University of Hamburg, Faculty of Education) |
02/2010 - 09/2020 | Teacher at the zoo school of the Hamburg State Institute for Teacher Education at Hagenbeck Zoo |
08/2016 - 07/2019 | Peer-to-peer doctoral advisor at the Graduate School of the Faculty of Education (University of Hamburg) |
02/2016 - 12/2018 |
Research associate, Faculty of Education, Profale project (in the field of action 2: Linguistic-cultural heterogeneity, with a focus on the teaching biology), University of Hamburg |
12/2011 - 10/2012 | Student assistant in biology education |
05/2009- 10/2012 | Student assistant in the Presidential Administration of the University of Hamburg (Department of Studies and Teaching - Quality and Legal Affairs) |
10/2011 - 01/2014 | Master's degree in Primary and Secondary Level I Teaching with the subjects Biology and German at the University of Hamburg, graduated with distinction |
10/2008 - 09/2011 | Bachelor's degree in Primary and Secondary Level I Teacher Training with the subjects Biology and German at the University of Hamburg |
02/2008 - 09/2008 | Personnel administrator at the Pinneberger Verkehrsgesellschaft (payroll accounting and personnel services) |
09/2005 - 01/2008 | Apprenticeship as a transport services clerk at Pinneberger Verkehrsgesellschaft |
05/2005 | High school diploma (Wolfgang-Borchert-Gymnasium, Halstenbek) |