Research Projects
The goal of the PHYDIV project is to develop and review lesson plans that take the learning group’s linguistic composition into account in order to improve learning outcomes in the subject. The study will be conducted in physics classes. Researchers will ask whether and under what conditions school pupils learn more or better if they receive systematic support in using their entire linguistic repertoire to grasp the material. Bilingual and multilingual pupils will be using their native languages in the classroom. The study should yield not only basic findings but also results that can be used to design successful physics lessons for multilingual classrooms.
PHYDIV is a cooperation project between the Universität Hamburg-based subject groups Physics Education and Intercultural and International Comparative Education.
The project is being funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
For further information, please click here.
Project Educational Success and Social Participation of Socially and Educationally Disadvantaged Students with Migration Background in Extended Education (GeLeGanz)
This project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, in collaboration of Freie Universität Berlin, Universität Hamburg, and the German Children and Youth Foundation, aims to explore the conditions under which socially and educationally disadvantaged immigrant students in Germany can profit from attending all-day schools, i.e. a form of extended education. Extended education is an umbrella term for offerings extending the regular school day including forms of formal, non-formal, and informal education.
In Germany, high expectations have been tied to the expansion of extended education in form of all-day schools, in particular the strengthening of educational success and social participation of socially and educationally disadvantaged students with a migration background. So far, these expectations have not yet been adequately met in Germany. In other countries, however, there are comparable high-quality offerings of extended education that have been shown to be effective. Therefore, in the project empirical findings and knowledge from other national contexts are to be harnessed so that the potential of all-day schools (especially in primary school) can be better exploited in Germany as well. In this three-year collaborative project, based on an assessment of the current situation in Germany by national and international scientific experts, it is to be determined how effective learning environments in extended education are to be designed by schools and their non-school cooperation partners and which conditions for success are crucial (Phase 1 and 2). In Phase 3, the insights gained are to be discussed in focus groups by German practitioners with a view to transferring them into innovative concepts, measures, and products in the German context, which are going to be tested and evaluated together with practice and transfer partners in Phase 4.
Partners of the collaborative project are Freie Universität Berlin (project coordination), Universität Hamburg, and German Children and Youth Foundation (Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung, DKJS).
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) within the "Framework Programme for Empirical Educational Research" (Rahmenprogramm empirische Bildungsforschung) under the funding codes 01JB2112A-C.
Click here to view the project website. A booklet of the project with insights relevant for the practice can be found here.
Diversity and educational change among immigrant families from the perspective of parents and experts (in German: DIWAN) (2018-2021)
DIWAN is a joint project carried out by the University of Hamburg and the German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut). It investigates changes in educational styles and models from the 1980s to the present day from different perspectives. On the one hand, we examine how educational styles in immigrant families have changed within the proposed timeframe. On the other hand, educational guides addressed to parents will be reviewed to categorize dominating guidelines. At the University of Hamburg, a specific focus is dedicated to the concepts and ideas of language education.
Kontinuität und Wandel der Schule in Krisenzeiten (KWiK) (2020-2021)
This project is a cooperation between Universität Hamburg (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ingrid Gogolin) and the Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik, Kiel (Prof. Dr. Olaf Köller) and the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (Dr. Dirk Hastedt). Here , you can find the project website.
Intermediate results: Click here for the results of the first survey (school management), and here for the results of the second survey (school managenment and teachers).
Non-financial Returns to Education in the Form of Social Integration (in German: REdMig) (2016-2019)
The goals of the project REdMig are the identification and future development of indicators that are suitable for tracking the long-term development of non-financial returns to education in the form of social integration. The project focuses specifically on reviewing the adoption of a systematic variation of effects on people with or without a migration background and, additionally, on the identification and development of indicators for future reporting, which are shown valid for this population.
Multilingual Development in a longitudinal perspective (in German: MEZ) (2014-2019)
MEZ is a long-term study of two parallel start cohorts of pupils with monolingual German, German-Turkish, and German-Russian language backgrounds who are studied in four measurement points. One cohort is studied from grade 7 until the end of the 9th grade; the second ist studied from grade 9 to the end of the 11th grade. The study examines the conditions for the successful development of multilingualism as well as relationship between multilingual development processes and educational careers. The participants are tested in German, in the case of migrants also in the heritage language of the family (Russian or Turkish), furthermore in English as the first in foreign languages learned at school and in second foreign languages (if they attend a school that offers French or Russian as 2nd foreign language).