Carolina Colmenares Díaz

Research Associate
Intercultural education research
Office hours
- Consultation hours by appointment
- Carolina Colmenares Díaz: REVIEW - Panesar, Rita: Gerechte Schule, Vorurteilsbewusste Schulentwicklung mit dem Anti-Bias-Ansatz [EN: Fair school, prejudice-conscious school development with the anti-bias approach]. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2022. in: EWR 21 (2022), No. 4 (Published 11 November 2022), URL:
- Katrin Steinvoord (Host) 28 November 2022 "„Wenn plötzlich ein Stuhl leer bleibt. Umgang von Pädagog:innen mit einer (drohenden) Abschiebung von Schüler:innen“ [EN: When a chair suddenly remains empty. How educators deal with the (threat of) deportation of students] Bildungsschnack - The Research Podcast, University of Hamburg,
Summer semester 2024
- Accompanying course to the orientation internship as part of the Diversity Contexts in Teacher Education (DiCoT) project
Winter semester 2023/2024
- Kick-off workshop for outgoing students: Preparation for an internship abroad as part of the DiCoT project. Conducted with Dr Myriam Hummel on 13.12.2023.
- "Diversity in domestic and foreign school contexts: DiCoT Preparation Seminar." Seminar to prepare for the orientation internship in the 3rd bachelor's semester of the teacher training programme. Conducted in team teaching with Helena Dedecek Gertz as part of the Diversity Contexts in Teacher Education (DiCoT) project.
Summer semester 2022
- Workshop entitled "on the deconstruction of the nation-state understanding of culture" together with Dr. Javier A. Carnicer as part of the cultural week PEACE FORMATION Impulses from Educational Science on 12 April 2022 at the University of Hamburg.
- Accompanying course to the orientation internship within the framework of the project Diversity Contexts in Teacher Education (DiCoT)
Winter semester 2021/2022
- Diversity in domestic and foreign school contexts: DiCoT preparatory seminar
Summer semester 2021
- Seminar: Education - Society: Deportation in context of schooling
Winter semester 2020/2021
- Research Workshop on Priority Topics in Educational Science Part II: Education in Transnational Institutions. Diversity Education in Hamburg
Summer Semester 2020
- Research Workshop on Priority Topics in Educational Science Part I: Education in Transnational Institutions. Diversity Education in Hamburg
- Lecture entitled "Schüler:innen zwischen Abschiebung und Inklusion: Vorstellung zweier qualitativer Forschungsprojekte im Kontext von Migration" [EN: Pupils between deportation and inclusion: Presentation of two qualitative research projects in the context of migration] with Jun. Prof. Dr. Simone Plöger on 14.11.2023 at the University of Kassel.
- Lecture entitled “Diskriminierungskritische Reflexion in- und ausländischer Schulpraktika von Lehramtsstudierenden: Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus Vorbereitungs- und Begleitseminaren” [EN: Discrimination-critical reflection on domestic and foreign school placements of student teachers: Experiences and findings from preparatory and accompanying seminars] together with Javier Carnicer, Helena Dedecek Gertz, Sara Fürstenau, Simone Plöger at the conference Vielfaltsorientierung und Diskriminierungskritik. Ansprüche und Widersprüche schulischer Bildung [EN: Diversity Orientation and Critique of Discrimination: Claims and Contradictions of School Education] on 07.10.2022 at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Presentation entitled "Schule als safe(r) space gegen deportability von Schulkindern" [EN: School as a safe(r) space against deportability of school children] together with Simone Plöger at the 4th conference of the Netzwerk Fluchtforschung on 29 September 2022 at Chemnitz University of Technology.
Contribution to the roundtable of the working group JUNGE FLUCHTFORSCHUNG with the title "Herausforderungen der (Jungen) Fluchtforschung: Forschungsethik, gesellpolitische Implikationen und die eigene Positionierung" [EN: Challenges of (Young) Refugee Research: Research Ethics, Sociopolitical Implications and One's Own Positioning] in the context of the 4th Conference of the Network on Forced Migration Research on 29 September 2022 at Chemnitz University of Technology.
- Lecture entitled "Taking time to reflect on migration: revealing students' thoughts using reflective journals" together with Helena Dedecek Gertz and Simone Plöger at the IMISCOE Annual Conference on 30 June 2022 at the University of Oslo.
- Presentation entitled "Reflective Journal as didactic and research method" together with Helena Dedecek Gertz and Simone Plöger at the Network Conference Internationalization of Teacher Education on 22 March 2022 at the University of Hamburg.
Research focus
- Residence status and schooling
- Pedagogical action
- Critique of Discrimination
Curriculum vitae
- PhD (2020-actual). Doctoral thesis entitled "(Re)Actions of pedagogical staff towards student's deportations. A qualitative study" (first supervisor Sara Fürstenau).
- Master of Arts in Multilingualism and Education - MOTION. Graduated 2019.
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Linguistics and Literature. At the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Graduated 2014.
Current projects
- Diversity Contexts in Teacher Education (DiCoT)
Previous projects
- Cooperation with the German Jordanian University (GJU) thorugh the project "Transnational Higher Education“ (THE)