The Institute for Intercultural and International Comparative Education pursues the issue of what makes education (and educational systems) with an international clientele successful on a national and on an international level. To this end, a number of research projects and practical studies are in progress. Students of the degree program “Multilingual Educational Linguistics” are encouraged to take part in these projects in order to gain experience, e.g. by training as a linguistic mentor, providing language formation support for students with a migration background, or as a student assistant in multilingualism research.
Cooperation Partners:
- DiVER- Diversity in Education Research
- FÖRMIG - Kompetenzzentrum Förderung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund
- HeBe - Herkunft und Bildungserfolg
- IKS - Interkulturelles Schülerseminar
- KoMBi - Koordinierungsstelle Mehrsprachigkeit und sprachliche Bildung
- LiPS/LiMA-Minipanelstudie (the website is currently worked on)
- Schreibwerkstatt Mehrsprachigkeit
- TheaterSprachCamp