Covid, Migrants and Minorities in Teacher Education
CoMMiTTEd is the abbreviation for Covid, Migrants and Minorities in Teacher Education: A Fake News Observatory to Promote Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy in Times of Crisis, which is a project funded through Erasmus+. From March 2021 to February 2023, and coordinated by Universität Hamburg, the goal will be to instruct teacher training students in the areas of digital teaching and discourse analysis to improve their critical thinking with regard to dealing with disinformation, misinformation, and hate speech in the classroom and beyond.

For this purpose, resources are being planned, developed, tested, and evaluated to enable teacher training students to critically read, interpret, and engage with digital news and discourse. The University of Navarra, University of Aveiro, and Tilburg University are also participating.
The project was also the subject of the second episode of the Bildungsschnack podcast, which is available to listen to.