Dr. Maria Lucenti

Visiting Scholar
History of Education
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Education
Department of General, Intercultural and International Comparative Education as well as Educational Psychology (EW1)
Von-Melle-Park 8
Room: 035
Work Experience
2023-2024 Adjunct professor of History of education: “History of educational institutions”, “History of pedagogy and childhood”, “Children’s Literature” and “Pedagogy of reading”, Faculty of Education, University of Genova, Italy.
Research leader of the project: Innovative teaching guidelines (December 2022 – February 2023), part of the Erasmus Mundus “Bridge” Project, Faculty of Education, University of Genova, Italy.
2022 Postdoctoral fellow, Universität Hamburg (01.04.2022 – 30.09.2022)
DAAD PRIME Postdoctoral Fellow 2020-22 (Postdoctoral researcher international mobility experience, success rate 10%), Universität Hamburg in mobility in the UK, University of Worcester (15.07.2020 – 14.01.2022), research project: “Religious Education Textbooks in England and Tunisia”, scientific supervisors: Prof. Stephen Parker (University of Worcester), Prof. Sylvia Kesper-Biermann (Universität Hamburg).
2018-2022 Adjunct Professor of History of education and Children’s literature, University of Genova, Faculty of Education.
2019-2020 Postdoctoral researcher, research lab. “History, women, gender, migrations”, Department of History, University of Quebec in Montreal.
2019-20 Research associate, lab. History didactics, University of Montreal.
2019-20 Postdoctoral researcher, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres.
Education and training
- 2017 Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Specific field of the degree course: Migrations studies and Intercultural Processes, Main disciplines: History of education, comparative education. Double degree: University of Genova (Italy) and University of Carthage (Tunisia). Thesis: “Other Stories. The Arab-Muslim world and the West in Italian and Tunisian school textbooks”.
- 2013 Master's degree in Sciences of Education: LM-50 - 2nd level degree in Planning and management of education and training services (Prevention and treatment of discomfort in multicultural contexts). University of Bologna, Department of Educational Sciences.
- 2008 Bachelor's degree: 18 - Class of first level degree in Education sciences and teacher education. University of Bologna, Department of Educational Sciences.
Lucenti, M. (Ed.). Teaching religious education: challenges, developments and current debates in comparative perspective. Brill (submitted).
Lucenti, M. (Ed.) (2023). Women in formal and informal education. International comparative perspective in the history of education. Brill.
Lucenti, M. (2021). Le monde arabo-musulmans et l’occident dans les manuels d’Italie et de Tunisie. Autres histoires. L’Harmattan.
Lucenti, M. (Ed.) (2021). Ripensare gli anni Ottanta e Novanta. Infanzie e adolescenze in divenire. Genova University Press.
Antoniazzi, A. & Lucenti, M. (Eds.) (2019). Tra storia e storie. Rappresentazioni di genere. Junior Edizioni.
Lucenti, M. (2018). Storie altre. Il mondo arabo-musulmano e l’occidente nei manuali di Italia e Tunisia. Aracne.
Publications in peer reviewed journals:
- Lucenti, M. (2023). Archivio e università. Ricostruire i modelli educativi nell’educazione formale e informale a partire dalle fonti primarie. In A. Antoniazzi, F. Caffarena, M. Lucenti, C. Patuano, L’Archivio Ligure della Scrittura Popolare. Percorsi tra patrimonio, ricerca e didattica. Dossier di Storia dell’Educazione, Series of the Historical Archive Indire – Istituto Nazionale Documentazione Innovazione Ricerca Educativa.
Lucenti, M. (2023). L'educazione alla pace nei programmi e manuali scolastici di Religious Education in Inghilterra (1970-2020). MeTis – Mondi educativi. Temi, indagini, suggestioni, vol.13, n.1, 369-392.
Lucenti, M. (2023). Oltre il limite del cielo. Voli reali e voli immaginifici negli albi illustrati. Liber, vol.138, p.39-41.
Lucenti, M., Hirsch, S. (2022). Educational policies on inclusion and interculturality: What is the impact on didactic tools? Comparative analysis between Italy and Quebec, In M. Gadille (Ed.), 2nd SFERE/Ampiric conference proceedings. Learning, strategies and educational policies. What interdisciplinarity, methodologies and international perspectives? De Gruyter.
Lucenti, M. (2022). Cultural diversity in textbooks and children’s literature in Italy (1980-2000). Breakthrough or continuity? Educazione Interculturale, 20(1), 95–106
Lucenti, M. (2020). Scelta e uso del manuale: analisi delle pratiche didattiche e delle competenze interculturali degli insegnanti. Annali online della Didattica e della Formazione Docente. Vol 12, N° 20, pp.269-285.
- Borghi, B., Lucenti, M. (2020). Una storia da manuale. Ricerche in corso sulla rappresentazione dell’Islàm nei testi scolastici. Didattica della storia – Journal of Research and Didactics of History. V. 2 (2020).
- Lucenti, M.; Hisch, S. (2020). I manuali scolastici danno accesso all'altro in classe? Un'analisi comparativa tra l'Italia e il Québec. Educational reflective practices. 1/2020, pp. 92-116.
- Lucenti, M. (2020). Barbie, Sherazade and Alyssa in the imaginary. Analysis of gender representations in cultures. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica/Journal of Theories and Research in Education, Vol 15, No 1, pp.71-90.
- Lucenti, M. (2018). Il recupero delle icone femminili preislamiche in Tunisia. Strategie identitarie tra passato e presente. Formazione & Insegnamento, XVI - 2 - 2018, pp. 305-316.
- Lucenti, M. (2018). Educational policies and school manuals: historical-comparative analysis between Italy and Tunisia. Rivista di storia dell’educazione, 2/2018, pp. 205-226.
- Lucenti, M. (2017). L’immaginario sull’alterità nei manuali di Italia e Tunisia. Una convivenza possibile? Formazione & Insegnamento, XV, n°2, pp. 151-158.
- Lucenti, M. (2017). La nouvelle réforme scolaire en Tunisie : le défi démocratique entre analyse des manuels et didactique. Foro de educacion, 15(23), pp. 219-242.
- Lucenti, M. (2015). La rappresentazione dell’Islam nei manuali: per una revisione dei curricoli in direzione interculturale. Formazione & Insegnamento, XIII, n°2, pp.143-148.
Book chapters
Lucenti, M. (2023). L’enseignement du fait religieux en Italie : défi et perspectives à l’égard d’un modèle inclusif de la diversité religieuse, in R. Gonzalez Delgado, D. Groux, E. Voulgre, M.F. Fafard & M. Cantisano (eds.), Inégalités en éducation dans le monde. Quelles actions pour les réduire? Harmattan.
Lucenti, M. (2023). Boudica and Evangeline. Female characters in national identity. A history of controversial representation, in M. Lucenti (Ed.), Women in formal and informal education. International comparative perspective in the history of education. Brill.
Lucenti, M. (2022). Il volo nei manuali scolastici italiani. Dal Ventennio alle esplorazioni spaziali, in F. Caffarena & A. Antoniazzi (Eds.) Il volo educante. Narrazioni alate per l’infanzia, Rivista dell’aeronautica militare.
Lucenti, M. (2021). Narrare la diversità: manuali e letteratura per l'infanzia negli anni Ottanta e Novanta, in M. Lucenti (Ed.), Ripensare gli anni Ottanta e Novanta. Infanzie e adolescenze in divenire. Genova University Press, 19-37.
Lucenti, M. (2020). La représentation de l’autre dans les manuels scolaires : ancrage identitaire et récit historique entre Italie et Tunisie, in M. Regis & B. Garnier (Eds.) Éducation, mondialisation et citoyenneté. Enjeux démocratiques et pratiques culturelles, Peter Lang.
Lucenti, M. (2019). “Sguardi” oltre l’apparenza: la demistificazione del retaggio culturale di genere attraverso l’analisi delle icone femminili, in A. Antoniazzi & M. Lucenti (Eds.), Tra storia e storie. Rappresentazioni di genere, Junior Edizioni.
Lucenti M. (2019). Educazione e Terrorismo in Italia e Tunisia: analisi storico-comparativa dei manuali scolastici e delle politiche educative, in F. Antonacci, F. Oggionni & M. Benedetta Gambacorti-Passerini (Eds.) Educazione e terrorismo. Posizionamenti pedagogici, Franco Angeli.
Other Publications
Conference proceedings:
- Lucenti, M. (2022). Teaching Religious Education in Italy: History, Challenges and Perspectives with Regard to Pedagogical Objects and Practices. Book of abstract: “Histories of educational technologies. Cultural and social dimensions of pedagogical objects” ISCHE 43, Milan 31-08/06-09-2022, ISBN volume 9788867609789.
- Lucenti, M. (2021). Religious Education in Italy and England. Comparative Perspective on School Textbooks and Teaching Practices. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ), Volume 12, Issue 1, ISSN: 2040 2589.
- Lucenti, M. (2021). Religious Education through Textbooks. Comparative Analysis between Italy and England. Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2021), CICE-2021 WCE-2021Virtual Conferences, 22-24 June | 2021Mississauga, Canada, 208-209.
- Lucenti, M. (2016). Rappresentazione dell’alterità nei manuali: la sfida interculturale in Italia e in Tunisia. Abstract book IV Giornata Interculturale Bicocca, 505-508, 5/2016.
- Lucenti, M. (2020). Review “Prostitution et traite des femmes. Une cause féministe en France et au Canada au tournant du XXe siècle”, by Y., Cohen. AG About Gender - Rivista internazionale di studi di genere, v.9, n.17(2020).
- Lucenti, M. (2016). Review “La scuola tra le righe”, by A., Antoniazzi. Metis, mondi educativi, VI, 6/2016.
- Lucenti, M. (2015). Review “Dai Puffi a Peppa Pig: media e modelli educativi” by A., Antoniazzi. Ricerche di pedagogia e didattica – Journal of Theories and Research in Education 10, 3.
Networks and memberships
International and National Research groups membership:
- ALSP (Archivio Ligure della Scrittura Popolare), University of Genova (from 2018);
- LiDS research group: Literacy in Diversity Settings – Language and Education in the 21st Century. Faculty of Education, Universität Hamburg (from July 2022).
- EERA (European Educational Research Association) Network 17 – History of Education (from 2023).
Membership of academic bodies:
- SIS (Società delle Storiche Italiane).
- SIREF (Società Italiana di Ricerca Educativa e Formativa).
- AFEC (Association Francophone d’Education Comparée).
- AFEDECE (Association Française d’Education comparée et des Echanges).
- HES (History of Education society).
- CIRSE (Centro Italiano per la ricerca storico-educativa).
- IRSCL (International Research Society for Children’s Literature).
- IARTEM (International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media).
Direction or participation in editorial committees of journals and editorial series:
- Member of the editorial and scientific committee for the peer reviewed series “Educare” – Genova University Press.
- Member of the Referees committee for the scientific journal “Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation”
- Member of the Referees committee for the scientific journal "RSE - Journal of History of Education", CIRSE (Italian Center for Historical-Educational Research).Member of the committee of Referees for the scientific journal "ÉLLiC - Multilingual Revue: Études des Langues, Littératures et Cultures", Department of Languages, Faculty of Letters and Languages, University of Tlemcen.
- Member of the committee of Referees for the scientific journal "Journal of Beliefs and Values: Studies in Religion and Education", official journal of the Association for University Lecturers in Religion and Education (AULRE) and is affiliated to the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV).
- Member of the committee of Referees for the scientific journal "RPD - Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education”, Dipartimento di Scienze Dell’Educazione «Giovanni Maria Bertin» – Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna.
- Member of the Referees committee of the editorial series with reading committee "Educare", publishing house: GUP - Genova University Press.
External Funding and Grants
Visiting researcher grant by the TCU – Texas Christian University, departments of Educational Leadership and Higher Education, Modern Languages, Religion and Teaching and Learning Sciences (TCU College of Education and AddRan College of Liberal Arts) for several in-class and public lectures on comparative international education and religious education (February 5-8, 2024).
Guest lecturer grant by the University of Louisiana at La Fayette, by the Department of History, Geography, and Philosophy (February 1-3, 2024).
EERA Network 17 and HES Conference Exchange Scheme Award 2023, for the HES annual conference at the University of Sheffield, UK, 17-19 November 2023, speech: “Empathy, peace and conflict in religious education school programs and textbooks in England and Italy (1970- 2020)”.
HES and EERA Network 17 Conference Exchange Scheme Award 2023, for the European Conference of Educational Research 2023, Glasgow, UK, 22-25 August 2023, speech: “Diversity in Religious Education: a historical comparative perspective on programmes, teaching materials and teachers’ practices in England and Italy (1970-2020)”.
DFG – Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftInternationale: Wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen/International scientific events „Picturing Otherness. A historical perspective on diversity in children’s literature (20th-21st Century)”, Universität Hamburg, 1st – 2nd March 2023.
Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants (2021), Max Weber Foundation, for research in the archives of France, Israel and Italy (6 weeks), research project “Colonial conflicts and education in Tunisia: the role of Italian, Jewish and French schools”.
DAAD PRIME FELLOWSHIP 2020-22 – Postdoctoral researcher international mobility experience, University of Hamburg – University of Worcester (UK), success rate: 10%.
DAAD Travel Grant (2021), for the 2nd SFERE-Provence conference - Learning, strategies and educational policies. What interdisciplinarity, methodologies and international perspectives? Speech: “Politiques éducatives sur l'inclusion et l'interculturel : quel impact sur les outils didactiques et les pratiques enseignantes ? Analyse comparative entre l'Italie, la Tunisie et le Québec”, Faculty of Education, University of Marseille, France, 30-31 March 2021.
Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg (2021) for the organization of the conference “Teaching religious education: challenges, developments and perspectives in a plural world” (University of Hamburg, Department of Education, 9th-10th December 2021).
Fond Gerard Dion (2021), Postdoctoral Fellow 2019/20 Place: Quebec (Canada). University of Laval, research Project: “Religious education in Quebec through textbooks: analysis, evolutions and challenges of a teaching model in the face of religious otherness (from 1960 to the present day)”. Duration: 12 months.
Grant for the XII SIREF SUMMER SCHOOL, 04-06 September 2017. Speech: “Il recupero delle icone femminili preislamiche in Tunisia. Strategie identitarie tra passato e presente”, Faculty of Education, University Cà Foscari, Venice, Italy.
Grant for the XI SIREF SUMMER SCHOOL “Generative education. Vent’anni dopo il rapport Delors. Modelli, principi e strategie della ricerca educativa per la scuola del XXI secolo”, 08-10 September 2016. Speech: “L’immaginario sull’alterità nei manuali di Italia e Tunisia. Una convivenza possibile?”, Faculty of Education, University of Niccolò Cusano, Rome, Italy.
Grant for the IX SIREF SUMMER SCHOOL “Riscrivere il future. Innovazione, formatività e partecipazione”, 11-13 September 2014. Speech: “L’irriducibile diversità dell’Islam nei libri scolastici europei”, Faculty of Education, University of Niccolò Cusano, Rome, Italy.
ERASMUS MUNDUS ALYSSA SCHOLARSHIP (2014-2016), University of Carthage, research project “Other stories. The Arab world and the West in Italian and Tunisian textbooks”.
2017 Social Studies School, University of Genova: Premium PhD Thesis