Dr. Nadine Cruz Neri
Research Associate
Educational Psychology
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Education
Department of General, Intercultural and International Comparative Education as well as Educational Psychology (EW1)
Von-Melle-Park 8
20146 Hamburg
Room: 313
Office hours
- by arrangement
Tel: +49 40 42838-4745
Curriculum Vitae
Employment history
since 2023: Research associate, University of Bielefeld
since 2018: Research associate, University of Hamburg
2022: PhD in Psychology
2011 - 2018: Studies in Psychology, University of Hamburg
Research interests
- Role of language in mathematics and science performance
- Predictors of text comprehension, reading and writing skills
- Learning disorders
- Diversity in school (e.g., gender stereotypes & multilingualism)
Journal articles with peer review
- Cruz Neri, N., Schwenke-Lam, T., & Fürstenau, S. (2024). Predictors of multilingual classroom practices of German primary teachers. International Journal of Educational Research, 129, 102500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2024.102500
- Rothers, A., Reh, S., Müller-Using, N., & Cruz Neri, N. (2024). Deeskalierende Kommunikation im polizeilichen Einsatz. Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Trainingprogramms [De-escalating communication in police operations. Development and testing of a training program]. Konfliktdynamik, 13(3), 209-217. https://doi.org/10.5771/2193-0147-2024-3-209
- Heidari, N., Cruz Neri, N., Schwippert, K., & Sprenger, S. (2024). Metacognition and lexical complexity in sketch mapping - A secondary analysis of think-aloud protocols and sketch maps. European Journal of Geography, 15(3), 177-189. https://doi.org/10.48088/ejg.n.hei.
- Cruz Neri, N., Schwenzer, F., Sprenger, S. & Retelsdorf, J. (2024). Geschlechterdarstellungen in Geographie-Schulbüchern: Von mangelnder Repräsentation weiblicher Figuren und Reproduktion von Geschlechterstereotypen [Gender representation in geography textbooks: The lack of representation of female figures and the reproduction of gender stereotypes]. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 27(4), 977-994. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11618-024-01223-w
- Retelsdorf, J., Cruz Neri, N., Möller, J., Köller, O., & Nagy, G. (2024). Correlated change in habitual and situational reading motivation. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 39, 2827-2847. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-023-00777-3
- Cruz Neri, N., Bernholt, S., Härtig, H., Schmitz, A., & Retelsdorf, J. (2023). Cognitive and motivational characteristics as predictors of students' expository versus narrative text comprehension. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 39, 885-905. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-023-00717-1
- Cruz Neri, N., Klückmann, F., & Retelsdorf, J. (2022). LATIC – A linguistic analyzer for text and item characteristics. PLoS ONE, 17(11), e0277250. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277250
- Cruz Neri, N., & Retelsdorf, J. (2022). The role of linguistic features in science and math comprehension and performance: A systematic review and desiderata for future research. Educational Research Review, 36, 100460. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2022.100460
- Cruz Neri, N., & Retelsdorf, J. (2022). Do students with specific learning disorders with impairments in reading benefit from linguistic simplification of test items in science? Exceptional Children, 89(1), 23-41. http://doi.org/10.1177/00144029221094049
- Cruz Neri, N., Wagner, J., & Retelsdorf, J. (2021). What makes mathematics difficult for adults? The role of reading components in solving mathematics items. Educational Psychology, 41(9), 1199–1219. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2021.1964438
- Cruz Neri, N., Guill, K., & Retelsdorf, J. (2021). Language in science performance: Do good readers perform better? European Journal of Psychology of Education, 36(1), 45–61. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-019-00453-5
Conference proceedings
- Cruz Neri, N. & Retelsdorf, J. (2024). Profitieren Schulkinder mit Lesestörung von sprachlich vereinfachten Testitems zur Erhebung naturwissenschaftlicher Kompetenzen? [Do students with specific learning disorders with impairments in reading benefit from linguistic simplification of test items in science?] In P. Frei, K. Hauenschild, & B. Schmidt-Thieme (Hrsg.), Sprache und Lernen. Kurzbeiträge einer digitalen Arbeitstagung (Hildesheimer Beiträge zur Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung Sonderheft 3, S. 22-25). Universitätsverlag Hildesheim. http://dx.doi.org/10.18842/hibsu-s-3
Transfer contributions
- Cruz Neri, N., Levin, J., & Muntoni, F. (2022)*. Lehren und Unterrichten [Teaching and instructing]. Studienheft für die Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg.
- Cruz Neri, N., & Muntoni, F. (2022)*. Krisensituationen in der Schule [Crisis situations at school]. Studienheft für die Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg.
- Cruz Neri, N., & Retelsdorf, J. (2022). Profitieren Schulkinder mit Lesestörung von einer sprachlichen Vereinfachung naturwissenschaftlicher Aufgaben? [Do students with specific learning disorders with impairments in reading benefit from linguistic simplification of test items in science?] BVL LEDY, 2, 26–29.
- Cruz Neri, N., & Retelsdorf, J. (2020). Die Rolle der Sprache im Fach Mathematik [The role of language in mathematics]. Sprachförderung und Sprachtherapie in Schule und Praxis, 1, 32–38.
* Shared first authorship
- Cruz Neri, N., & Klückmann, F. (2021). LATIC – A Linguistic Analyzer for Text and Item Characteristics [Computer Software]. https://github.com/florianklueckmann/LATIC