Review of the first network event of the "International im Lehramt" Network
18 January 2022

Photo: UHH/Imanuwarta
The first conference of the network "International im Lehramt" focused on the topics of international experience and diversity awareness of (future) teachers. Representatives from various fields in teacher education took part.
The network "International im Lehramt" (German only) held its first conference on 13 January 2022. Due to the pandemic, the event took place online.
We were delighted with the interesting exchange of ideas and are pleased with the interest the network has generated. We are also happy that representatives from various fields of teacher training in Hamburg—namely, students, teachers in the teaching practice period, teachers, members of the Ministry of School and Vocational Education, and teacher-training lecturers at Universität Hamburg—took part in the conference.
The international experiences and diversity awareness of (future) teachers and their importance in the school environment were the main points of the event. Two former students briefly spoke about their experiences during an Erasmus+ study abroad period in Spain and an internship at a school in Ghana, respectively. The speakers related what they learned to their own school experiences and to their career development. The experience of being an outsider and their exposure to different school concepts and teaching methods allowed them to see the work of a teacher from a different perspective and, in turn, to shape their views of themselves as (future) teachers.
Since one of the network’s goals is to explore ways to internationalize Hamburg’s schools, a third speaker introduced the activities of the Gymnasium Süderelbe within the Erasmus+ program. As a Europaschule, the Gymnasium Süderelbe offers subsidized exchange programs for pupils and further education opportunities for teachers in other European countries.
The conference closed with a discussion round in small groups, which let the participants get to know each other, network, and exchange views about internationality and diversity in schools.
The network was founded in cooperation with the Faculty of Education at Universität Hamburg and the section for Europe and international affairs at the Ministry of School and Vocational Education within the framework of the project Diversity Contexts in Teacher Education. You can join the network by subscribing to our newsletter. The newsletter contains various information, including details about our next alumni event, which is planned for mid-May and will hopefully be held in person.