Diversity Contexts in Teacher Education
The project is intended to internationalize the orientation internship module in the teacher training degrees by integrating Introductory Internships abroad and Internationalization@Home.
Preparatory seminar
The focus on diversity is essential, as it transcends a simplistic notion of cultural belonging and shifts attention to differences relevant to various educational contexts. As part of the project, a group of teaching staff in the faculty will gain qualifications in anti-bias training. They will then develop, test, review, optimize, and establish across the institution an innovative concept for the module’s preparatory seminar for prospective teachers. Seminars will sensitize students to bias, stereotyping, discrimination, and inhumane beliefs and attitudes such as racism.
Introductory Internship abroad
To provide teacher training degree students with the opportunity for an Introductory Internship abroad (German only), the University’s current network of partner universities will be extended for the Introductory Internship. The Introductory Internships abroad gives students an opportunity to recall their own experiences of differences at school as a basis for reflection on the anti-bias approach, thereby fostering their professional self-reflection skills.
e-DO! as complementary seminar
This project will also involve the creation of the e-DiCoT Organizer! (e-DO!) to record students’ reflections on their daily international life and to further support the diversity and anti-bias focus. The e-DO! will replace the course that accompanies the school internship for those students who complete their orientation internship abroad.
Alumni network
An alumni network (German only) will be established as part of a multi-phase internationalization process for teacher education, with the goal of maintaining interest in internationalization and intercultural issues of teacher education in the alumni community and providing opportunities for practical implementation.
Complementary research
Academic support based on a qualitative-reconstructive approach will help further the project.
The project at a glance
This project is a joint initiative of the Faculty of Education (EW) and Hamburg Center for Teacher Education (ZLH) and is led by Prof. Dr. Sara Fürstenau (EW), Prof. Dr. Telse Iwers (EW), Dr. Britta Schmidt (ZLH) und Dr. Myriam Hummel (EW and Department for International Affairs).
Project team
Dr. Javier Carnicer, Carolina Colmenares Díaz, Helena Dedecek Gertz, Prof. Dr. Sara Fürstenau, Dr. Myriam Hummel, Elisa La, Prof. Dr. Telse Iwers, Simone Plöger, Nicolai Pudimat (not in picture), Dr. Britta Schmidt, and Nadezda Strunk
Student Assistants: Isabelle Küster, Billie Wiedener
Partner universities
Universidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentinia
Griffith University, Australia
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) , Brazil
Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA), France
University of Education Winneba (UEW), Ghana
Universidad de Alcalá (UAH), Spain
Universidad de Almería (UAL), Spain
Indiana University (IU), USA
University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNC), USA
Ho Chi Minh City University (HCMUE), Vietnam
This project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from funds provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).