Practical course of lectures for the project "One square kilometer of education (Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung)"
"No child, no adolescent will get lost" is the key objective of One Squarekilometer of Education (Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung), a program initiated by the Freudenberg Foundation and the Karl-Konrad-and-Ria-Groeben Foundation, which is currently implemented in eleven neighbourhoods Germany-wide. It aims at providing equal educational opportunities for all children and adolescents by building local educational networks.
Together with and funded by the Freudenberg Foundation, Universität Hamburg develops and tests process-integrated trainings that focus on the special requirements of staffs from pedagogical workshops: the practical course of lectures "One square kilometer of education". The target of this training is the professional development of those that participate in the program. This, in turn, contributes to the quality development at the locations of the program via theory-practice transfer. The qualification program focusses on continuous language education, a cross-sectional task that affects all participating neighbourhoods.
The concept comprises a modular training with a duration of ten months and a workload of 450 hours. It qualifies the participants for language consulting, coordination and providing guidance for cooperation (operative and strategic tasks) in the context of continuous language education.
At the end of December 2018, the participants of the first course successfully completed their training with a university certificate. The second course will end in December 2019.
The project is conducted in cooperation with the Zentrum für Weiterbildung of Universität Hamburg.
Project team:
- Prof. Dr. Drorit Lengyel (Head of project, UHH)
- Prof. Dr. Katrin Huxel (Universität Osnabrück)
- Maria Schmitz (Research associate, UHH)
- Ute Michel (Research associate, UHH)