Active professors
Photo: Gogolin
- Migration and linguistic diversity in education, evaluation of innovative school programs
- Multilingualism and education, multilingual development
Photo: Ingrid Piller
- Intercultural communication, language learning
- Multilingualism, bilingual education
Photo: Zheng
- Applied linguistics, multilingual development
- Complex dynamic systems theory, and language policy in higher education
Photo: Melo-Pfeifer
- Pluralistic approaches to teaching and learning of (foreign) languages
- Visual methods in teaching, learning and research
Photo: duarte
- Multilingualism in education
- Teachers’ professional development
Photo: Höttecke
- Role of language in teaching and learning science
- Nature of Science and Science Media Literacy
Photo: Hu
- Multilingualism In Schools and Higher Education
- Intercultural Communication and Understanding
Photo: kirsch
- Teaching and learning multiple languages
- Multilingualism in early childhood education
Photo: Li
- Teaching and researching linguistic diversity from the critical perspectives with a particular focus on China’s regional integration and global expansion
- Directing the Center for Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics of Yunnan University
Photo: Mösko
- Global Mental Health
- Multilingualism and Health
Photo: Riazo
- Research methodology
- Interdisciplinary research on linguistic diversity and social participation
Photo: Warren
- Multilingualism in education
- Applied linguistics
Photo: Zhang
- Language policy and planning
- Language teaching and learning
Photo: Lu
- Bilingual/Multilingual education
- Second language acquisition
Photo: lising
- Sociolinguistics of multilingualism and migration
- Heritage language maintenance
Photo: Song
- Medium of instruction in multilingual settings
- Multilingualism and new media
Photo: Daussa
- Heritage Languages
- Language and Well-being
Photo: Taksa
- Impact of difference associated with communication at work, including nuanced dimensions of humour
- Imbalance in emphasis between the teaching of written and verbal language competency for work
Photo: Young
- My teaching and research seeks to raise language awareness amongst education professionals working in multilingual environments.
- Research interests include teacher knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about languages and language, home-school educational partnerships and plurilingual and intercultural education in the school context.
Photo: Prada
- Translanguaging and social cognition
- Multiligualism
Photo: Jannis
- Digital language and communication research, including multilingualism online
- Linguistic landscape research
- Engaging in sociolinguistic research exploring intersections of Global South and Global North language ideologies and practices in globalized accounting practice,missionary work, and other intercultural contexts
- Convening units in English language studies, including issues and perspectives in English across professions, English language systems, and intercultural communication
Photo: Peter Roger
- Interactions in healthcare settings, with a particular focus on topics relating to linguistic diversity
- Links between language learning, motivation and identity
Photo: Chik
- Urban multilingualism
- Language learning in multilingual digital environments
Photo: uysal
- Fairness, justice, and equity in language assessment
- Inclusivity in emergent multilingual education
Photo: Mohr
- Multilingualism and (multimodal) language contact, esp. involving minoritized languages
- Linguistic epistemology and research methodology in sociolinguistics
Photo: Beblo
- Economics of labour and family policy
- Gender perspective on language (usage) and economic outcomes
- Project: Money Matters - Ein Comic Essay über Geld
- Project: CULTIMA - Zum Einfluss von Kultur auf die Integration von Migrant*innen: Sozialökonomische Meta-Analyse der epidemiologischen Forschung
Photo: yuan bing duan
- English language teaching with special focus on multilingual background
- Heritage language maintenance
- Multilingual and multicultural education
Research associates
Photo: McMonagle
- Interdisciplinary and international research management and coordination
- Language policy, minority languages, multilingualism
Photo: privat
- Research management and coordination of the Profilinitiative and research centre LiDS, an interdisciplinary research cooperation and international network.
- Developmental psychology (peer relationships) and clinical psychology (aggressive behavior in children)
Photo: Barakos
- Research on multilingualism in education (adult education; schools) and work settings; elite multilingualism; language policy; minority languages
- Ethnography; Critical Discourse Studies; Language Ideologies; Language Work
Photo: checvibas
- Project: Investigating pre-service English language teachers’ professional knowledge on teaching in linguistically diverse classes
- Research interests: Multilingualism, teacher professional knowledge and professional development, use of technology in education, curriculum development and evaluation
Photo: chiu
- Educational and sociolinguistic aspects of multilingualism in higher education
- Language policy and planning
Photo: Feser
- Students’ and student teachers’ sense of belonging to science
- The role of language in science education
Photo: liao
- Arabic second language acquisition
- Language Education Policies in the Arab World
Photo: Rühlmann
- Raciolinguistics
- Subjectivation
Photo: Savac
- Multilingual Literacy
- Equality in Education
Photo: Shen
- Multilingualism of people growing up in families with migration backgrounds
- Family language policy and language maintenance
Photo: Anouk
- Multilingualism in children and adolescents
- Adolescents’ emotional well-being and (language) performance
Photo: Torsh
- Researcher in language and migration, multilingual families and applied sociolinguistics
- Lecturer in second language teaching and learning
Photo: Ying
- Multilingualism
- Educational linguistics
Photo: dünkel
- Migration related language diversity
- Peer relations and friendships in adolescence
Photo: tang
- Family language policy
- Parental strategies in multilingual families
Photo: Khan
- Investigating communication in the provision of legal advice and assistance within migration processes
- Promoting the incorporation of (socio)linguistic knowledge and approaches within legal research and practice
Photo: Grey
- Researching multilingual government communication in Australia, especially Covid-19 communications.
- Researching state involvement in Aboriginal language renewal.
Photo: Christian Scholz
- Third language learning
- Portfolio assessment for plurilingual learners
Photo: Atmacasoy
- Language education for newly arrived migrant children
- Effective curriculum and instructional strategies in low-resource contexts
Photo: li
- Learners’ language development
- Complex Dynamic Systems Theory
Photo: ning an
- Pedagogical translanguaging
- Language-in-education planning and LOTE learning
Photo: ollerhead
- Multilingual pedagogies
- Translanguaging
Photo: xu
- Bilingual Emergent Language and Literacy Skills
- Hearing Loss and Language Development
Photo: Hanne Brandt
- Language education in linguistically diverse contexts
- Teacher education and professional development in the context of linguistic diversity
Photo: Bodis
- Multilingualism and English language proficiency in internationalized higher education
- Linguistic inclusivity in education
Photo: Cho
- Sociolinguistics of translation and interpreting
- Intercultural communication
Photo: Neelam
- Researcher in applied sociolinguistics, migrants’ language learning and testing, multilingualism, raciolinguistic and securitization
- Muslim women as speakers of English
- Multiliteracy
- Language proficiencies as a human capital investment
Photo: Liardet
- English Medium Instruction, language policy and practice
- Academic discourse, literacy and scholarly publication
Photo: Schnoor
- Multiliteracy
- Language proficiencies as a human capital investment
Photo: Markowsky
- Language skills in the labour market
Photo: Gerwers
- Mediation and multilingualism
- Beliefs and teacher professionalization
Photo: Rottschäfer
- English as a lingua franca in the family
- Multilingualism
Photo: barabas
- Queer pedagogy in language and literacy education
- English medium instruction; heritage language learning and identity negotiations
Photo: Dong
- Multilingualism in Sociolinguistics
- English medium instruction in higher education
Photo: gkaintartzi
- PhD in Sociolinguistics (Bi/Multilingualism and language education), School of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. PhD Thesis: "Issues of bilingualism in preschool and school-age children: Social and educational dimensions" (2007-2012)
- Research experience and publications in the field of language contact, multi/plurilingualism and education, heritage languages, language ideologies and identities, teaching among migrant and refugee background students, multilingual/inclusive education, teacher training
Photo: weiss
- Student beliefs about linguistic diversity
- Transnational virtual exchange in schools
Photo: Gonzales
- Language assessment and evaluation
- Pedagogical translanguaging
Photo: Bruzon
- Multilingualism, bilingual education, language policy and practice.
- Researching home language maintenance and bilingual parenting in monolingual contexts.
Photo: sadeq islam
- Project: Doing comparative study on the translanguaging practices in Bangladeshi and German EFL classrooms
- Research Interests: Translanguaging in EFL classroom, Bi/Multilingualism and language education, Technology in ELT
Photo: pershina
- Multilingualism on the labor market
- Returns on migrant care workers’ multilingual competence
Photo: Szymanska
- Communication in multilingual healthcare
- Second language teaching and learning
Photo: Sprenger
- Language skills in the labour market
- Multilingualism & Language policy
Photo: Yuanmeng Ma
- Multilingualism and language policy
- Gender and age effects on sign language
Photo: Saskia Hanft-Robert
- Global mental health and diversity in healthcare and education
- Multilingualism in (mental) health and community/public service interpreting
Photo: Latisha Mary
- Supporting emergent bilingual and multilingual pupils in educational settings & fostering home-school partnerships
- Teacher knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about multilingualism